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"No pa, perdóname tu a mí, perdóname", dijo Lot mientras se inclinaba para abrazar fuertemente a Noe, y aunque este sintió un gran dolor por aquel abrazo no hizo ningún gesto de incomodidad, y abrazo con fuerza a su hijo. 

"Le falle a él como hijo, y hasta ahora te había fallado a ti como padre, y no sé si sea tarde para formar una relación padre hijo verdadera, pero te juro que haré todo lo que pueda para lograrlo" dijo Noe mientras aun lloraba en los brazos de su hijo.

Lot sonrió, entre llantos "papa", solo pudo decir y ambos continuaron así por un rato. Noe por fin pudo sentir como fue desapareciendo el dolor, la pena, el temor y por fin su pasado.

Varios minutos después, cuando ambos ya estaban más tranquilos, Lot se levantó, y sonriéndole a su padre le dijo, "oye papa, apestas", Noe le miro con tristeza, "Si ya lo sé" respondió cabizbajo, "Pero de verdad espero me perdones algún día", Lot sonrió y respondió, "No pa, yo no tengo nada que perdonarte, y además no me refiero a eso".

Noe lo miro confundido, "Pa literalmente apestas, hace cuanto no te das un baño, o siquiera te has cambiado la ropa?".

La cara de Noe se sonrojo avergonzado, “¿una semana?” respondió titubeante, ”¿¡QUE!?" respondió Lot, y haz estado comiendo?" dijo Lot preocupado, "s-si... alguien me ha estado trayendo que comer, al menos unos días" dijo Noe algo ruborizado.  "A si quién?" pregunto Lot.

Noe suspiro, "Te lo diré, pero primero déjame te digo porque estoy así" respondió Noe, "ok, pero y si primero te das un baño, no te preocupes yo estaré aquí cuando salgas", dijo Lot con cara de angustia. Entonces Noe se olio a sí mismo y aunque le urgía hablar con su hijo, la realidad es que apestaba, y lo que prefirió fue....


"No pa, you forgive me, forgive me", said Lot as he leaned in to hug Noah tightly, and although he felt great pain from that hug, he did not make any gesture of discomfort, and hugged his son tightly.

"I failed him as a son, and until now I had failed you as a father, and I don't know if it's too late to form a true father-son relationship, but I swear I'll do everything I can to achieve it," Noe said while still crying in the arms of his son.

Lot smiled, between tears "dad", he could only say, and both continued like that for a while. Noe could finally feel how the pain, the sorrow, the fear, and finally his past disappeared.

Several minutes later, when they were both calmer, Lot got up, and smiling at his father said, "hey dad, you stink", Noah looked at him sadly, "Yes, I know" he replied with his head down, "But I really hope to forgive me someday", Lot smiled and answered, "No pa, I have nothing to forgive you, and besides that's not what I mean".

Noe looked at him confused, "Da you literally suck, how long has it been since you took a bath, or even changed your clothes?".

Noe's face flushed embarrassed, "a week?" replied hesitantly, "WHAT!?" replied Lot, and have you been eating?" Lot said worried, "y-yes... someone has been bringing me something to eat, at least a few days," said Noe, somewhat blushing. "Yes, who?" Lot asked.

Noah sighed, "I'll tell you, but first let me tell you why I'm like this" Noah replied, "ok, but if you take a bath first, don't worry I'll be here when you leave", Lot said with an anguished face. Then Noe smelled himself and although he urged him to talk to his son, the reality is that he sucked, and what he preferred was...



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