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OKAY SO, this ones a bit of a journey to explain but here goes. Doodles, fighting and a risque snap.
TLDR: Guy opened lock door to find pile of infected mascot toys. They bonded to him and permanently tf'd him.

This is the same seagull mascot from THIS poolguard doodle! Before the nanites, Emmet the head lifeguard was privy to the mascot initiative and this design. He thought it was stupid though so he just stashed the promo stuff into a storage locker at the tower. When the nantie plague started and Emmet was attacked, he got through back into the merch and turned into the first poolguard, however some of that infection also stuck to that mishmash of mascot merch. Emmet locked up the mess to keep it away from people lest he see someone as that damn mascot or worse, get it on himself.

Then along comes some schmuck sneaking around the Poolguard tower looking for supplies and finding that locked storage closet. The nanite infused pile of fused plastic surged out to smother the ban, bonding and perpetually rewriting him as Casey Gull. Emmet wasn't happy about it.
The man now chooses to go by Casey and is pretty happy about his new looks all things considered. The big catch is that if someone's watching him he compulsively acts as the mascot and he can't ever cuss or swear. It really annoys him and so he usually avoids people not in a lifeguard uniform since that seems to not trigger the mascot reflex in him. Staff doesn't need to be entertained after all.

Emmet eventually got used to him seeing as he's another lucid infected he can talk to at the beach. They get on eachothers nerves but are friends, even though Casey isn't officially living AT the tower with the poolguards.




Loving Casey’s look! Also curious as to where he lives if not at the tower where he doesn’t have to worry about going into mascot mode. 🤔


Probably some beachside home with a bit of privacy. Easy to have alone time and still pop on down to the beach whenever he wants. Casey doesn't have to follow the same rules they do about slammin'