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FAUXLDIERS 2.O Patch Summary;

  • Fauxldiers have been made more cybernetic so that they look less grounded in real military.
  • They now have facial and body circuitry across all ranks. In a nanite plague, the average citizen isn't questioning why a soldier looks like a cyberpunk  cosplayer, and either wouldn't know enough about the military to realize the structure isn't right or wouldn't care so long as they keep monster back.
  • Barcodes and artificial elements have been made more prominent.
  • There is now an actual symbol for the Fauxldiers! Including rank insignia in the form of temple pads.
  • All Fauxldiers, Loyal and Rogue, have gained new abilities! They are able to emit a radio signal to other Fauxldiers to organize and influence them.  Their temple pads are the source of this signal.
  • Rogues all have cracked temple pads to sever their constant connection to Loyals.
  • This signal is why Recruits are so impressionable and why they can break free and become Rogue if they get away from "bootcamp". Also why Rogues can influence recruits to defect.

I've struggled a bit with Fauxldiers for a while on how to present them in a way that wouldn't look like it's just military fanart without context, and to an extent the Rogues as well have had a bit of trouble developing their own identity and connection with Loyals beyond the surface level. SO, to that end I think this should be a strong first step on fixing all that! All Fauxldiers are now outfitted with cybernetics to sell the artificial nature of them, basically.

On the Rogue side of things, a defined power structure! Rogues can mutate into Mercs if they gain enough influence among other Rogues. Mercs lead their companies with their own style and taste influencing their followers. These companies can squabble for territory, with the losing company being absorbed into the other. The same influence and discipline but without the singular authority to anyone other than the one they follow.



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