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The first event of the month! (A side gig anyways before Sandman Beachparty.)

The stream will be taking place on the 6th and 7th. I'll be taking com forms for transformation sketches (no colour) with a cursed Niklas theme.

NO RNG. NO FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. We ride on ideas alone as i'm picking the forms I want to do. You can submit multiple forms, but they do not guarantee a spot. Take the time to think up what you'd like to go with! Safe bets are things I've done for wheelspins, or things listed on the curse chart I posted into the discord. Keep in mind too that these don't all have to take place at a concert or music venue o/.

No limit on slots other than available time. I'll be starting from 2pm EST and then going on from there with breaks. One per person till I've gone through the list, of course.

The price range on the poster refers to how you will be able to select your slot to be 1 halfbody for 35, or 1 fullbody for 45. 2 parts or extra characters double that accordingly, up to the max of one extra.

These can be lewd! Meaning prominent bulges to flopping in the wind. Keep in mind tho that i'm not likely to pick a form that prioritizes sex first.

If you got any questions then feel free to ask em here o/. More info will be coming in the next couple days!



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