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It’s not real, it’s just some stupid urban legend! Something people joked about, shitfaced at a bonfire or passed out on someone's porch with a half empty vodka bottle. It was meant to be an easy A, looking into those stupid fucking stories about some killer in a mascot suit. I mean shit, it sounds like some cheesy B movie plot or something.

But it wasn’t.

There was something more. Something weirder than the missing persons. Something worse. Why did I have to know? I can feel it behind my eyes like a breath inside my own skull that pills can’t bury. It wasn’t meant to be real. It wasn’t meant to be real. It wasn’t meant to be real.


AWOOOOOO bros! It’s time for a little mind breaking, body cracking horror! Without further ado let's get into the gristle and ooze.

-ONE slot per person.

-When claiming a slot, list 3 in order of preference.

-Payment is done via paypal invoice, I will send you a form to fill upon claiming.

-Comment below to claim a spot! 

When claiming

  • You may use a human/human-like or anthro character for any slot.
  • You may select the sport/athleticism of your mascot, additionally you may select the costume they were wearing before transforming.
  • You may select the state of your character's transformation , either partially or fully transformed.
  • Please understand that some poses are made to work for certain stages.\
  • If you want your characters transformation to be a different species than they started as, you must specify on the form otherwise I will draw them as they are.
