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There's a current of chaos charging through the evening air, stark as lightning and harsher than the acrid smoke rising from the Midnight Market.

A single Jobslime is a nuisance, a party is a threat. But twelve? TWELVE? By that point the Slime Hunters could consider it nothing less than the gauntlet thrown. They stormed the Midnight Market in disguise, hoping to catch whoever was smuggling the oozes in unawares. Yet, they found only a hastily emptied stall covered in tiny, three clawed grooves. It seems whoever had unleashed this chaos...had escaped.

The gremlin sprints onto the ferry, bound for fresher cities with less guards. He happily counts his coin and awaits the news of just how chaotic life had become on those fading streets.


The Monk! (Littleking) - I told you this one was fast! Blink and it's gone, splop! Behind you! At least it's playful, yes? A total roughhouser with a flair for flashy flips and a light that never goes out! Sounds...exhausting.

The Knight Sorcerer (Wes) - Now this was a strange one, hard to find! Harder yet to believe that it would appear in the harbor amidst panicked fisherman and merchants. The host themselves being such a hardy brute nonetheless! Combining that brawn with the cunning of the sorcerer, I'd pity the hunter what comes calling.

The Fighter (Sheebs) - The last of the Jobslimes to appear, and the only one to be spared to ire of the hunters. This cuirassier captain led the effort to corral the common folk to safety with time enough to spare to strategize against the wilder hosts. Why would the Slime Hunters ever listen to a Jobslime, you ask? Well, they have no reason to hunt the stable and just mind of a pureslime; it was the first one seen in some time, let alone one as experienced.


And here we have it! The final week of the Midnight Slime market, twelve comic pages later and we've reached the end of the gremlins quest to dump a bucket of gak on this unsuspecting city. Hey though, I can't complain about the results.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this event! For sharing it, supporting it and joining me in my excitement for the Jobslimes. If you weren't able to nab on this time around then don't worry, there'll be plenty more events in the future! Likely not another market but certainly something new.

I'm happy you're all so interested in these slimes! It helps this wolfman get the energy to keep creating more for em~




YOoooooo, look at us. Damn am I glad I chose my lion self, seems to fit me best. GOTTA BE FAST!!!