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As swiftly as the sun rises so too does it set in warm oceans of red, giving way to the twilight of eerie stillness and finally, the darkest depths of night.

There's a fearful murmuring on the street, people worry about the rash of hosts appearing in greater numbers than have ever been seen since the year following the turning of Wending Brooks. The city warns of careless exploration and the guards double their patrols searching for the source of the slime.

The gremlin seems more agitated, and yet still... he prepares his market again.

The Barbarian! (Hunter) - DON'T open inside! YOU WERE WARNED!! The barbarian appeared out of the blue surrounded by tomes, scrolls and artifacts taken from conquests. The rage howled and roared. None of these trophies were earned, and worse, none of them were HIS! By the time the guard reached the library they found naught but looted displays, shattered windows and a broken down door with a heavy boot stomped into the wood. 

The Necromancer! (Iskar) - Typically, Jobslimes will ignore hosts as there's too much risk in layering too heavily upon the mind, but how can one resist when tempted so viciously by that sweet red of death approaching? The assassin lived to send souls beyond that dark veil, and now at the hands of Slime hunters they survive to claim what remains.  

The R̸̛͍͎a̶͌ͅn̵͍͆g̷̢͍͊é̷̜͚r̸͈̿ͅ ! (Price) - It takes one year for a host to fuse with their core. Just one year for the person they once were to be buried forever. This is why the Slime Hunters were formed, to track down hosts and restore them to who they were before it's too late. They know what's at stake, and they know well that it wasn't simply wizards and rogues that made 80% of the lives in Wending Brooks vanish.

Thank you to everyone for another week of support!!! This week brings the heat of the Barbarian, the cool of the Necromancer and the only corrupted slime out of the 12, Ranger. Soon we'll be on our final 3 Jobslimes and the closing of a successful market!




That barbarian looks sick, the explosive comment makes sense now


Thank you! The barbarian looks amazing!