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Done on the 23rd of August for a whim sketch com stream!

Half is Jarheads, half is a new character made up on the spot in stream called ROGER ROGER (Or just R.R)

Nothing explicit but PLENTY of crude language, mostly from R.R.

<<17 Sketches across 2 pages. General NSFW folder>>

Roger Roger. Any pronouns.
 Doppleganger. Will copy you for a day and act like the most belligerent obnoxious horned up douche bag. Just doing a ton of damage. Once he's bored he dips out, usually after a day or so, leaving the copied person to clean up the mess. To the person he's copying, he looks like the toony mimic, to everyone else he looks and sounds identical to them albeit in his generic dbag fit.

He catches people in mirrors, luring them closer with hypnosis and coxing them into aligning with him and admiring their reflection. Once that happens, the reflection suddenly stretches and morphs into his toony self with your face plastered on. Then he dips and you better make sure you can find him before he causes too much havoc on your reputation. The meanest thing he does is all but totally ignore the copied person once he has their face and voice, can't even smash him v.v

R.R has no sexual preference, he'll go for anyone with a heartbeat and cheeks regardless of the copied persons own sexuality/identity. Even then, he just hounds tail for the love of the game. His intents aren't to ruin the persons life specifically. Rather he's just hijacking their looks for his own mean dirty fun until he's bored.



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