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The stream will be on Piczel, startin at 2pm EST and going until midnight!
Forms will be open from now until the end of the stream for both patrons and the public, but patrons may msg me to ask about a form! If I message you about a form for clarity, or if I say that a form is acceptable when you ask about it, this does not mean I have accepted it as a slot. Link to the form is at the bottom VVV

Coming in for the fourth guest spot, the big reality warping otter, the 6'4" mustelid of cigar and leather himself, PRICE ! He's here to stretch and reshape things to his liking, and kick back with a fat stogie to watch the fun get out of hand just how he likes it B ).

The Vibe

Large an in charge, confident and self assured. Price is the big boss otter of his gang and bar and that's just the way he likes it. He has a rockabilly inspired vibe and a tall bleached blond pompadour, a style which he's fond of putting onto others as well. He's self-serving in his power, but not cruel without reason. He's more likely to turn a ho-hum boring salaryman into a wild mean leathered up goon than make things worse for them. Teach that bozo how to have some real fun >Bo)

Powerset includes:

  • Mental alteration

  • Reality Altering (Anything's possible, but Price prefers making big rowdy dudes)

    • Price's tastes lean to purely what he wants to happen and what he finds fun. He can affect the immediate area around him, but augments it with his gaze and mind numbing smoke.

  • Smoking but gay. Mainly Cigars.

Slot examples for what Price can do to a character:

  • Characters turned into a leathered up brute, an older macho man, corrupt business suit

  • Character is influenced into a new persona.

  • Character is made mean, corrupt, sleazy, crude or bawdy.

I'll try to include at the very least a little bit of the guest character in forms. A hand or a silhouette and so on. For full appearances of a bust or more, it will be the standard price.

NOTE: Bulges ect are acceptable with this stream, however Price won't directly sexually interact with characters in coms. Meaning no groping, kissing, grinding ect. No shipping content either, this is just for some reality warping fun with large men.

     Price also will not be on the recieving end of TF or defeated/bested by other characters.


-You can fill forms ahead of time HERE. There's no limit as to how many you can submit, but only one can be selected per person. You can shoot me a msg to check if a form would be acceptable.
-PLEASE NOTE: I am less likely to select forms that are solely explicitly sexual, are barely connected to the theme, or that are too vague with direction.
-Not all forms need to be focused on transformation either! They could be lifestyle, ass kicking, boy kissing ect
-You can have multiple characters/bodies in a form. 2 max.
-Stream will only be for Saturday, not the whole weekend.




time to go and plan an idea or two for this.