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Been working on this the past few days in preparation for the stream this Saturday!

A couple of pages to build out the Toon Army a bit more and give people some inspiration for the stream! Also part of my plan to work more on developing my pre-existing things over newer things.
- These four types aren't the only kinds of archetypes out there, there could be more that are just super specialized or higher ranked. They also don't all have to look totally identical either, you could add tattoos, scars, extra armor, battle damage, patterns ect ect. Think of these as the true baseline to either take as is or build onto to your own tastes.

- They ARE canonically monochromatic purple, as a side effect of Photon-T. Skin tones can vary, obviously, but these soldiers stay purple. You can, of course, give them accessories/casual clothes that aren't toony to add splashes of colour if you want to.

- They are 2D 3D. In other words, they are a 3D object but look and behave just like a walking cartoon, and enjoy cartoon physics, powers, hammerspace and durability. They also behave like goofy cartoons despite sometimes serious circumstances.

- As far as the mental sitch goes. Toon Army soldiers are their own people. Independent and free thinking, just given a new purpose and drive o7. They have all their memories and quirks from before they were enlisted. The same skills as well + whatever new ones they learn. No sense wasting a good pilot, assassin or doctor on grunt work after all.
I hope you all have some fun with these army dudes! I'm excited to see what you all do with em this Saturday \o/ We'll all find out together how this 'enlistment' works and just what Photon-T can REALLY do.

You can see the full resolutions through HERE




Love the bottom right of the second part, that kind of reaching beyond the 4th wall😱