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That's right mad lads. The boys are back for a third round!! All sketched up and slated to be done early this month before the 13th! keep your eyes out for more info \o/

As before, these will be limited to 2/person and priced at 75 USD flat. Anker will be 90 USD as he is an older adopt and thus will come with an additional fullbody coloured chibi w/outfit.

Suffering through the formatting is enrichment.

Oliver: The bri'ish football playing goat. He's got an attitude problem and a 90's aesthetic.
Jameson: A tough as nails coach that never smiles. Has that energy only found in eastern european men. He's also a skunk
Jaz: Brazilian capybara capoeira instructor touring competetivley.
Asahi: Japanese Macaque lifeguard making sure you don't prune up.
Hash: Shocking he's from Florida, a cottonmouth snake that plays basketball.
Sebastien: Think you can keep up with this spanish flamenco dancing cardinal?
Anker: He's back from the past of 2022 to show you how he plays to win. This nordic hockey playing otter was from a 2022 adopt set.
Saint: Dragons dogma balls. Don't let this hotshot slip on by.
Aarluk: Ask him what his name means if you dare. Or just google it, too. This football playing orca's here to snatch the competition.
Chad: Unironically. This Taiwan Bee Shrimp is the captain of the swim team 2 years running and he LOVES to see peoples reactions to finding out that yes, that is his real name.




I love them all oh no. ;w;