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Final stop for the social media spam train: The game is finally done. Both the Steam version (Full game link) and the standalone Visual Novel (link) are available to the grand public.

Drake's Dungeon: Voiceover trailer 

There's lots of plot to dig into. The video above, should it load, shows the wonderful voice acting that's brought the characters to life. There's a fair bit of discussion going on on Discord about the various twists and turns of the story, and of course, the different pairings.

I'm happy it's done. I've still got a bit of catching up to do here, but over the next few weeks, the posting of Patreon art packs should (hopefully) return to their regular schedule.

Here's the freebie demo of Drake's Dungeon. It's got the first 5 chapters for you to plow through at your own pace.

Android version | PC version

Now I can finally take my salesman hat off and burn it.



Bloom flow

The voice acting is excellent and you have a great sense for story telling and lore. It was great! Well done Hotcha! p.s. also not usually a pairing I care about seeing but I totally ship Ike x Sethan now! Ha


thank you so much :) i tried to weave the lore into the story in a way that wasnt obtrusive to all the bedroom going-ons. as for sethan and ike... i know, right? i have absolutely no idea how that even happened, and i'm the one who wrote it :|


Truly a crowning achievement hotcha we are all proud 🙏