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uunnfff drakes facial expression is so fiiinnneee


Spidey: Such a queen 20 seconds later Gets his guts flooded and back blown out


Drake is in for a pounding.


hah yes, i was aware of the risk of placing dom and sissy spidey drawings too close together, but in the end.... meh, it's all buttsex


Poor Sethan. His father steals Drake from him. He reduced his dominant male to a submissive fat slut. Will Sethan still be interested in Drake despite being a whore like him in the end?


it seems sethan is doomed to lose, i'm not sure I have an answer yet... i think it depends if sethan likes drake, or if he really just likes cock in general. it also depends if drake can reassert himself, or if thade reduces him down to sethan's level, in which case sethan i think would lose interest


So what reaction will Sethan have if he sees Drake being destroyed and humiliated in front of him?


he'd just stare at the scene too stunned to move. his little bull brain would be unable to understand that a demon as strong as drake could be knocked around like that


It doesn't matter that you are a dominant male every day. If one day you are a whore. They will remember you as such. I can't wait to see how Sethan and Drake's relationship evolves when the latter is Thades' whore. There is suspense and a break between them.


you think drake would become incapable of fucking sethan? or sethan's so selfish, he can't tolerate anyone else getting whored


It's hard to know. Maybe Drake can still fuck Sethan by showing him that Sethan is such a submissive whore that he's reduced to being fucked by his father's whore. Either Sethan is a bitch and takes advantage that Drake is under the influence of Thades to fuck him. Either Sethan is a superficial whore who only seeks 100 percent top alpha and repudiates Drake. , Either Sethan agrees to get fucked. I think whatever happens Drake has lost prestige in Sethan's eyes if he takes her in the ass. The myth of his almighty god has just collapsed. A bit like a straight macho who gets caught getting fucked doggy style in front of his wife. Drake has lost credibility in the dominance game. It's my opinion.

Genocide Jaymes

Drake & Thade dynamic is just so hot J lobe Drakes ability to go full Dom Top with characters like Ike & Sethan but like in life theirs always that 1 person who just matches yo crazy Thade appears to be that person for Drake & leaves him gaped & begging for more everytime everyone has their day lmao


i think i'm of a similar opinion. it could also be that Thade is doing this specifically to punish sethan for being such a passive, weak king. but that makes Drake's role a bit incidental. Maybe thade's done this before to sethan, which could lead sethan to being angry and even a bit disdainful towards both of them, especially if drake fails to reassert himself.


hehe, exactly. he's always the guy with the biggest swinging dick in the room.... until granddaddy thade shows up. then it's game over for everyone.


Maybe Sethan can also resent and feel cheated by Drake for playing the dominant and ruining his reputation to end up being as bitchy as him. It seems logical that he would be dismissive and belittling towards Drake on his new condition as a result. In any case yes, Sethan must surely be angry and jealous of his father for stealing Drake from him. It's a cruel game especially if it's a recurrence. If Sethan is 100% bot, maybe Thades can force Sethan to fuck Drake, but is our cow going to enjoy it? Everything depends mainly on Sethan in reality for the future, if it is a totally submissive whore, a versatile passive, a demanding queen with her dominant males. Personally, I don't see Sethan coming back totally slutty towards Drake if Thades dominates Drake like a whore and the latter expresses pleasure by begging to have Thade's cock for example, even if Drake gets up, Sethan can always mention that Drake is a submissive whore deep inside him.