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Laufey making good use of Thor's hole on his extra long frostgiant dick.

I think it might be hot to do some faceplant drawings like this where we see a hunk knocked into the ground, maybe caked in mud n rocks... otherwise totally defeated. hehe.

Check the attachments for raunchier variations + some loose sketches. this image is the more vanilla version. the original idea which is in the attachments has a certain yellow stream of liquid warming up Thor's hole.


Patreon update

Hey hey,

Here's a bonus post this month to end February and kick off March.
I had the idea to start posting some extra artwork here 'outside' of the usual monthly art packs.

All your support on Patreon has made me a pretty happy camper. I'd like to keep making some free art for everyone on the net, and in gratitude for your Patronly support, I want to premiere it here for you first.

Any extra art I churn out during the month will get posted here in a Creator Post. Think of it like an unscheduled Bonus post. It'll be for your eyes first before it goes up anywhere else online. No matter what your Pledge amount, when the art is posted, you should get an automated heads up in your email from Patreon, and you'll be able to come grab the art directly off the post. It's my little way of saying thank you for your ongoing support.

Drake's Doubledown pledges will also get any bonus art sent out in Hi Res along with their monthly art packs.

I think it will be a fun way keep things a bit more active for supporters instead of waiting around all month for each art pack. Also.. I think it'll be a fun way to try out some new sexy/kinky ideas that maybe don't quite fit in with the monthly art pack themes. No yet... anyway ;)




tx for all the nice replies!


What a hot scene and nice gesture! I love the different variations in the loose sketches too. I love Thor's face getting stuffed and getting manhandled by tentacles in the sketches. I hope you flesh those out eventually.