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Hey guys,

Don’t be freaked out by the title! This is a good news post.

I’m going to pause my Patreon campaign for the month of April, and possibly a bit longer. I’m doing this for 2 reasons. Number one. First and foremost:

I’m making a gaaaaaaaaaaaaame! It’s called Beefy Blasters!

The project has just gone live on Kickstarter. I teamed up with a super sexy programmer, we’ve been working on the game for a while already. Today is the day for the big reveal. You can check out the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/funkanari/beefy-blasters

We’re doing an XXX take on a classic arcade game. You’re basically flying around outer space in a tiny little spaceship while you blast the clothes off Drake and co. We’ve made special effects that take the game beyond just ‘stripping’ layers of clothing off hunky guys. You actually get to blast Drake’s muscles with your ship, so you get the feeling you’re pushing/fondling his beef. And of course, when it comes to his dick………. You get to blast blast BLAST away.

The game itself is also quite small. I don’t want to make the same mistake as I did with Fuckbuddies by making something too big and too complicated to complete without the right team or the right funding. Beefy Blasters gets you to some dick and muscle in the very first level, and every level after that. It’s fast, easy fun, and I can always add in more levels if people like the project.

On to reason 2:  I am putting Patreon on pause for the next cycle (maybe longer) because I don’t want to run two crowdfunding campaigns at the same time. I don’t feel right trying to charge for Patreon and Kickstarter work over the same cycle. While some people might want the extra content, it’s not fair to people who may be more restricted in what they’re able to support. So, April is going on pause. I hope I don’t sound like an ass in articulating that. 

Lastly, I’m personally super happy to be working on something interactive like this!!!! It’s different and exciting. You can see the full trailer in my tweet here:  https://twitter.com/hotchaX/status/1237498912442847237?s=20 



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