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This pack will be up for the rest of January.. it includes lots of growth:

Dark Thade frots Drake -image variations. The High King's dark form is bigger, badder, and... thicker than Drake in every way. Looks like the tattoo'd demon is a bit of a sizequeen. (i cant decide on Thade's dicksize... i have even sketched him with a horsedick, to make him more minotaurlike. lets see where this goes...)

Drake's new outfit -image variations Pink thongs suit demon asses. i think the big guy is finally starting to enjoy himself here.

In The Alley - Hurb licks Batman's hole -image sequence. Hurb's getting bigger arms these days. Probably from all the work he puts in bending, flipping and fucking all them superheroes. Bruce seems pretty eager to be rimmed by the hobo....

Aquaman movie poster pin-up - I couldn't think of a better wordplay than 'Aquaslut' ... Jason Momooslut?

Muscle Inuyasha fucks Miroku - Inuyasha finally reassembled the Shikon jewel. First thing he does? Bulks out himself out lean frame to giant, muscular tank. Huge size increase to his dick, too.



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