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A totally new character arrives... Nerei, the warrior prince. Wooooo, underwater themes!

This piece was a collaboration with the lovely Makuro! Check out his Patreon page here: Makuro on Patreon

I had a very clear idea of this Nerei character in my mind. I sketched him out, then got stuck on his legs.

Makuro looked at the drawing, then worked his magic. He inked, colored, and drew out a bunch of sexy variations. You get to strip Nerei down out of his armor. :)

Nerei (pronounced né-r-'eye) is the prince of an underwater kingdom. He is not the highest authority, there are monarchs who reign above him. Being royalty does not equate to a lofty lifestyle in this kingdom. Nerei fights on the front lines, he is a commander who sheds blood for his people. Despite being a hardened character, he's definitely a good guy/protagonist.

I'm still working out details for him and his world. He is respected and greatly admired by his people. I am turning over this notion that in this sea kingdom, there isn't very much gender distinction. Royalty in particular sleep with whomever they choose. It is something of an honour for a member of the royal family to select to sleep with you (male or female).

A side note on Nerei's design: He was supposed to be more shark-like, but he seems to have ended up with a mixed shark+swordfish vibe, which I think is still kinda cool.


@Drake's club guys: the hi res versions of Nerei will be posted in an upcoming thread




Very nice new guy : D Can't wait to see what story you'll write and draw for him :) !


Now that's a potential surprise from the deep that I wouldn't mind brushing up against in dark waters