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Heya, new art is up! This month includes a big mix of stuff, I'm gonna bullet point it with a bit less description this time around. If you like something, say something.

+Hurb knocks out Ryu while fucking him in the alley. hot ninjas jobbing to hobos! hooray.

+2 ryona sketches of Ryu. I was super inspired my Kojima's ryona installment a few months ago on Enty. I definitely wanna draw more gut punching now, he's the friggin ryona master.

+The Eternal Dragon destroys Jiren. Jiren fucking sucks, he's such a lame character, but....  even if i don't like him, he's just so .... taaaanky......      -drools. it would be fun to see Whis smack the shit outta him. he's a good candidate for thongs and muscle shirts, too.

+Drake's sneaky locker room invite.  The big guy just wants you to give him a quick post-workout suck!  as peter griffin would say, ' ....Come onnnnnnnnnnn!'

+Deimos Trashed+w/s version. The finale piece of my trade with Class Comics. The elderdemon accidentally broke his purple cocksleeve. oh well, now he's just a purple urinal.

+The elderdemon gets Collected. What goes around comes around. This was a surprise piece that came together without much forethought. The Collector is a giant supervillain from the class comics universe. He reminds me a bit of Uatu the Watcher, who's a borderline cosmic entity, so it makes sense that he would 'outrank' the elderdemon in a crossover. if anything, it gives me a flimsy excuse to play with those giant red demon tits. it's out of character for big red, but who cares?

+Gladolius ken dolled sketch.  not like he ever uses his dick, so now he's got a smooth front. nuff said.

+ Thade brings Drake to Labrynthe I wanted to draw Drake in a G string, and somehow, that image kept getting re-iterated until it became a tiny 'implied' scene between him and Thade. there's not much action in the images, it is more about setting the tone of Labrynthe, a paranormal dungeon where ultra lurid perversions take place.

this little interaction takes place after the events of Powerplay 2. Thade and Drake have got a weird connection goin on...


i'm hoping to do another post soon this month to talk about patreon and some general stuff. i will be quite active with comments, so if you've got a question or remark for me (or Drake), get it locked n loaded.



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