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That little blue auctioneer finally shares some of his own personal thoughts with Drake.  Lets just say he's a particularly nasty(+kinky) little fucker.

I don't have a name for him, but the Auctioneer's story has always been crystal clear in my mind: He comes from a small but exceptionally powerful (and slightly malicious) line of demons. They are specifically adept in binding spells and mind control/hypnosis. They can't throw fireballs or drop lightning or shit like that, but if they can get close enough to you, they can seep their influence into you and warp your perception in very dark ways. What becomes real for your mind becomes real for your body. They are not casting illusions, they are fully tampering with you.

While the Auctioneer wouldn't stand a lick of chance against Drake in a physical fight (a slap from Drake would hit with enough force to literally liquify him) ...if  that Auctioneer could get close enough to say... whisper an incantation or a binding spell directly into Drake's ear, then things would get very dark, very fast for Drake... All his brute power wouldn't help for squat if he get were to be pulled into the Auctioneer's distorted grasp.




Man as a long time fan of your artwork and loving Drake so much that I have a demon character loosely based off of him, missed seeing him like this. Hope we get to see more of our favourite demon like this. <3


It’s so hot to see Drake being subdued by the auctioneer like this.