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When I'm posting only 1x per week, you know I'm pretty busy behind the scenes.  It was crazy to put the pressure of making the new website live at the same time of releasing 14 big wall episodes but I've been working on this for 9 months and it's super good enough to be live.  In fact, it's 10x better than the last website even with is minor flaws and not all the blogs uploaded yet.  We custom coded the content page to have a store type filter, but for the blogs, so you can actually sort through all of our content.  I had to learn databases, taxonomy, how to communicate with webineers, Editor X from scratch, and just blogging in general since we want to have a written form of all of our content.

Everything we do builds on other stuff we have done and it was worth this energy if we plan on making another 500 episodes to make our stuff searchable and cohesive.  The bolting bible couldn't keep growing as a PDF, fixing just a typo could take hours.  Now it takes minutes in the blog form we made it in.  No we are not printing it, we are doing the opposite, it's just in blog form now.  This is the foundation to doubling it and keeping it maintained.  I can also translate it easier, have other people help me write stuff and it works on any device.  This also allows for more books/courses/series, whatever you want to call them, like the Big Wall Bible.  It's going to be a community built resource like a wiki but with this profound concept called "a middleman".  Anyone can contribute but no one can log in and lower the quality of our content.  I, and a slowly growing trusted team, will add the content ourselves and eventually we will have every question ever asked about our gear we trust our lives to answered.

I know I ask for $1 per episode and some of you even support with more.  It's one metric to only charge supporters when content is being produced.  I believe in results, not good intentions.  However, you are investing in what we are doing overall, not in the one episode I publish.  I appreciate you as I wouldn't have this today without your support.  Thank you for investing in breaking gear fear.


Big Wall Series comes out Wednesday :)






Sweet! Love the design of it!