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Another excerpt from the comic's script and story written by FurAffinity's Jethro...  dialogue and setting are subject to change in the final draft and finished comic.


"June 8th

Felicia’s paw tips rubbed across her temple. She felt the beginnings of a headache coming on. When the Lynx had walked into her lab today she felt on top of the world. Her future was secure. Now, sitting in an overstuffed red leather chair before the desk of C.E.O. Bergman, all of that had changed. She was listening to the weasel explain to her how Vicki had cheated her, stole her glory away with the prick of a needle. Her anger built, headache intensified. She was a heated pot about to boil over. "I can understand your frustration Doctor, but ----" Felicia jumped from her chair like a spring. How dare he say that, how dare he patronize her!

"No! No, you don’t understand. We had a deal, I was promised total control of the project by General Avery, promised God damn it!"

Felicia hadn’t even finished her outburst before realizing she had made a terrible mistake. The corner of Victor Bergman’s muzzle twitched, his posture stiffened. A hint of anger flashed across the weasel’s face. She sank back into the chair as Victor arose from his. "That may be true, but things have changed. As reckless as Doctor Everdeen’s actions may be, she has the Military’s full attention now. They don’t care about you anymore, they care about the prototype growing in her womb. You are nothing to General Avery anymore, and you should be thankful you still have a job right now, because you are very quickly becoming nothing to me!" Victor punctuated his final point by slamming a fist onto the desk. Felicia jumped at the sudden bang, her self-righteous anger replaced by meek fear. "My apologies sir, my outburst was uncalled for. Please believe me when I tell you I am very thankful to still be a part of the company."

Victor sat back down. Steepling his paws together the weasel studied the nervous Lynx squirming in the chair before him. "Your team is disbanded. As of right now you will be working under Doctor Everdeen. Report to her immediately. That is all Dr. White, good day to you." Without waiting for a reply Victor turned his chair to look out the window behind his desk. Felicia stared daggers at his back, her anger rising to the surface again. Vicki was bored, she hated waiting rooms. The magazines were outdated, the chairs were uncomfortable. The fennec shifted in her seat, foot paws dangling some inches above the floor. She swung them back and forth as she read over her latest progress report for the C.E.O. So much had changed for the better in just a week, and it was all thanks to the rounded bulge that filled her lap. Felicia placed the report on the shelf of her stomach, and reached down to scratch at an itch just below her belly button. To the casual observer, she looked full term with a healthy kit. No one would believe the fennec if she were to tell them the truth. A yellow top failed to cover her fecundity, revealing a half moon of tan fur to the world, and just barely covering the tiny bump of her belly button.

The office door opened as Vicki resumed her reading, and looking up she broke into a triumphant grin. It was Felicia, and she was fuming. The feline was on auto pilot, her head never turned, eyes focused on some distant point. She stormed past the tiny fennec without even seeing her, mumbling curses beneath her breath. "Scumbag little weasel, should have told him to go fuck himself, talk to me that way -----." Vicki watched her stomp towards the elevators, stifling a giggle with her paw. This was too good, she thought. I need to twist the knife a little.  Wriggling her but off the seat, Vicki tucked the report under her arm and waddled as fast as she could towards the elevator.


Felicia watched the tiny arrow above the elevator. It seemed to mock her as it slowly moved upwards. She tapped her foot-paw impatiently, arms crossed. "It seems like we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other now Felicia. I’m glad to have you as a part of my team." Felicia’s ears shot straight into the air with surprise. She recognized that voice. It was her. "You say it as if we’re friends." Grumbled Felicia, looking over her shoulder to glare at the fennec. She eyed the belly of her arch nemesis with disgust as Vicki rubbed it. A smug smile plastered on her face. She was teasing her, going out of her way to lift the ill-fitting top and display the full swell. "But I thought we were?" she said, trying her best to sound hurt. She pouted, her ears lowering slightly. "I’m a well-respected scientist, I don’t have to take this!" Felicia growled, spinning around to face Vicki. "There’s no way in hell I’ll ever work with you, no matter what that rodent says!" She seemed to find her anger amusing, as a cat may find toying with a bird amusing. "You could always quit", said Michelle as the elevator doors finally dinged open, "I hear Walgreens is hiring well respected scientists."

The lab was dark and deserted. Felicia had sent everyone home. She wanted to be alone. A single desk lamp illuminated her table as she worked. Papers and test slides littered its surface, and in the middle of it all, an injector. To the untrained eye it looked like an eppy pen an asthma sufferer would carry, but it was much more than that. It was the implement of her salvation. Removing her shirt, Felicia revealed a tasteful black lace bra that enclosed her well rounded breasts. Placing it on the table, she turned to a small chemical fridge humming quietly to her right. Opening its door released frigid air that curled down to the floor. Reaching within she removed something. A vile of amber liquid. Felicia inserted it into the injector and smiled ominously, her eyes glinting in the light.

"Two can play at this game little miss hot shot, if the big wigs are drooling over you, heheh, just wait until they get a load of me." With a swift stab, Felicia brought the injector downwards, pushing it into the toned flesh below her navel, and with a hiss it emptied its contents into her womb."


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