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Hey bros… remember that post that says that I’m going to take a break from commission for a while and that I won’t open them not this month or the next, and not so sure when I will re-open them again? Well, I'll take it back. I’m re-opening commissions again. And for a reason.

You see, the reason that I’m re-opening commissions out of the blue is that my car and my dad’s car need repair. Let me give you a backstory about these two cars. You see, those two cars are very VERY old: My car, a Chevrolet Corsa, is 20 years old and I have it since my dad bought it for me in my University years; and my dad’s, a Toyota Corolla Baby Camry, is the oldest one; he has that car since 1993.

Last year, I did save the money to repair both cars thanks to my clients from my commissions list, my online store, and my patrons from my Patreon page (thank you guys, by the way). And finally, I managed to fix those cars and make them run again… for a while.

My Corsa broke again last year in November and its engine hasn't ignited since then. Probably the gas that is coming to Venezuela is contaminated as they say. As for my dad’s car, it still works, But it still has a lot of problems that need to be fixed as soon as possible. And fixing cars is very expensive here in Venezuela.

So, I’m asking for your help once again to fix my car and my dad’s.

However, this year I want to try something different: This time, I’m going to open commissions through my Gumroad store. It’s an idea that I had in my mind for a long time, and I based it on when I used to have a Fiverr account. So I want to try it out and see how it works. I’ll post a blog about how these Gumroad commissions work.

So yeah, that’s what I wanted to say. I hope you can help me out with this predicament.



I am sorry about your car situation, but I do like your work. So looking forward to place a commission


Mayhaps, setting a hard limit of X # of commissions per, let's say a three-month block? It's just that every time you plan to take a few months off, then something happens, and something happens...