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Hey bros, what’s up? How do you like my arts of Huevember so far? Do you like them? Cool.

Alright, time to make a quick update: For those who have been following or supporting me on Patreon, you realized that my platform had changed, right? Well, that’s because I changed my normal supporting system (the old “Become a patron thing”) to the Subscription system.

You may be asking, what this subscription is about? Well, it works like this: If you join my Patreon on July 12th, you will be charged that same day instead of the 1st of the next month, and by the next day (August 12th) you will be charged again.

For my old patrons, there’s no need to do anything, besides, nothing changed on this change. You will be charged the 1sth of every month.

The reason for this change is… well… I don’t like to rant about these things, but I will like to address something: I met a lot of people (I’m not going to say names) who become a patron, and every time when the time to charge comes, these people, these choosing beggars, cancel their support and ghost me! I don’t know why you are doing this, but shame on you guys. Is this how you “support” your favorite creators on Patreon?

I could go on and on with this, but I’m going to cut here.

Moving on!

As for commissions, at the beginning of December, I’m going to close my Commission services for the Holiday season. I need a break with this. However, I still have some arts on my waiting list that I need to finish. So if you’re one of them, I want to say don’t worry, I will work on these arts during the holidays.

What I’m trying to say this is that, if you want an art commission and would like to be in the waiting list, now is the time to fill the form. You have till November 30th. Because, once December 1st starts, I will close the Art Commission temporally till next year.

For those clients (old and new) who commissioned me before I just want to say thank you for your support.





[Thumps up!] ^^ Ur welcome