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TW: Audio delves into depression and death in the hopes of being real and making a change. Tears are shed and hope is chased.

🎈Live Events in the Server for January 🎈

Join us in the server to participate...hope to hear you in there (lurking is okay too)

  • Community Jackbox games ~ Sun. 2/4 at 9:00 am
  • Server Games with Miss ~ Tues. 2/6 at 12:00 pm
  • Minxy Hangout with Miss ~ Tues. 2/13 at 12:00 pm
  • RomCom Movie Night with Miss Wendy ~ Friday 2/16 at 9:00pm
  • Book Club ~ Sun. 2/18 at 5pm
  • Servant+ Hangout with Miss ~ Tues. 2/20 at 12:00 pm
  • Live recordings with Miss ~ Tues. 2/27 at 12:00 pm
  • New Faces Games Hangout ~ TBA
  • Writer's Text Chat Ongoing ~ We will meet Live in March
    Reading "On Writing" by Stephen King


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Spook Nukem

I like the idea of sharing little moments like that. Little serene and profound moments have begun striking me as I've looked for them, just little things that are very life affirming. It's often very windy where I live around sunrise and sunset as the temperature changes, which I really love, combined with the shifting colors in the sky it just becomes like a perfect little scene to wake up or come home to. I didn't notice things like that for a long time. Another thing is there's so much wildlife near me! Every once and awhile I see like a turtle on a walk and I'm like 😲 because they're such funny little guys. Dealing with mental stuff is never fun, I'm currently getting help for what I have learned is extreme anxiety, so I wanted to say thanks for sharing it with us because I know sometimes that can be hard to do. Your audios are really wonderful and you are always so nice in the comments here and on the server, I hope you are feeling better soon :)


Thank you for sharing. I can almost feel the wind on my face after reading that, feel the joy at seeing a turtle. *hug* Glad you are getting help with your anxiety. Thank you Spook for being you.

Markus Eckstein

Thank you for this antidote to the pandemic of life having to be instagramable Miss.


Here in Ohio we aren’t even close to being done with winter, but I love it. I keep the curtains open in my office while I work so I can watch the snow. On occasion I will go outside with a hot cup of tea and my warm coat and just sit and admire the snow and enjoy the muffled silence that comes with it.

Multichromanix (Cenn)

My therapist reminds me all the time to give myself more grace in the wintertime. She says humans are like bears - we tend to want to hibernate in the winter, need more rest and comfort than we do other times of the year. And I like to remember that these times of year where the night is long and I feel like I should be getting more done than I am able to.

Multichromanix (Cenn)

Also my "dandelion" is definitely my dog Juneau, she's always my shining light of positivity when my depression is flowing as well. Gotta love my soul-dog (even when she eats too fast and throws up in the corner lol)


All the fluffy quiet! Really is peaceful. The image of you out there with a cuppa is beautiful.


I appreciate the authenticity. I hope you know you'll always have space to feel your feelings and talk about things. I always try to find those little dandelions. I think the main positive in my life is that I have gained so many wonderful friends that I get to share the best fits of laughter with. It really does help when the struggle bus hits.


Yes ma’am… I’m the same way… processing things is hard, pushing them under the mat is so much easier. I’m proud of you for finding the strength to push through all of what life throws at you. You’re incredibly resilient (I aspire) and I send you so much love. Always here to support you (and everyone). I think your idea is wonderful… there’s so many little happy moments that can be found, even on the worst days. You are anything but ordinary and boring… when I have some time, I’ll send you some silly things… or “dandelions” that I find within my day (even if most of it is spent at work). Spring is my favorite too… cannot WAIT!! 🩷 You’re doing a wonderful job, I wish you all the best, Miss.


You are the GOAT cutie. People really do help. I just need to remember that when I don't feel suitable for public consumption. Thank you for making space for the good and the not so great.


Less mat stuffing! Let us learn new things baby girl. I have your card where I can see it in my room. Always gives me the warm fuzzies. You have a talent there for sure.


*biggest hugs* I appreciate your willingness to be so open with us here. I see what you mean about finding those little flowers and dandelions…seeing the little things and being able to appreciate them. Probably the biggest of the dandelions for me right now is Demeter’s Ghost. It was the last push I needed to finally start building out all these places and characters I’d previously only dreamed of or had just been words and numbers on a character sheet. My parents recently helped me invest in a good camera. Hoping to share some more of the dandelions I find in the server once I find time to edit the photos I take…

Nicky Shortstacks

*Gives you a comforting hug* I am really sorry about your losses Miss, to be honest when these heavy subjects get brought up, I tend to stay silent and less the other person's voice be heard their thoughts and concerns, and let their feelings flow out naturally, so (I know it's stupid but if you can suspend disbelief, I'd like to imagine each one of us as silent little souls here for you to listen and let you let everything out, being proud of you for sharing what weights on you so dearly) And not to downplay any emotions you are feeling but as a little sprinkle of hope, I like to think for all of the ones we lose, they do find happiness on the other side, and again, not making light of your pain at all, but even to the ones I have had go, I know its not "goodbye" because someday when we see them again and it will be a "welcome home" . But thank you for sharing this Miss, hopefully I’ll find a dandelion to share in the server soon.

mjnoon 777

You're being very real in this audio. You didn't have to share what you been struggling with in your personal life, it must have been hard to post it ,but thank you for posting it and being real it's not easy ,life as whole is not easy. Sam must have meant a lot to you. 16 is too young for that, any age is too young for that. 2 years ago, I attempted suicide and I came really close 2 more times, I understand his thought process very well, no one could've done much to save him ,try to not blame yourself too much it's just one of the dark aspect of life that somehow we must learn accept, but at the same time allow yourself to feel the hurt and the sadness and the unfairness and the sense of futility that comes with it. I really hope you get what you dream and hope out of this life , obviously I don't know you personally but I know that you're a kind person that deserves to be happy, and experience the real fulfillment that life can offer ,and dealing with depression and the unfair brain chemistry that comes with it is something no should have to deal with. Your audios helped me very much I listened to your voice so much that my brain has learned to associate it with safety, knowing it's an imaginary, knowing it's virtual, it still came from a real place and I felt it, I know that I will cherish that for the rest of my life, your audios made understand myself more and what I really love and like about women, it helped understand my type more. I know it's doesn't mean much, but you really matter, and the community you have built matters, and if you somehow killed yourself, it will be a great loss, and I know that will mourn your death Wendy.

Wesley Spray

Thank you for being so open and trusting this community with the good and the bad. I know I speak for so many of us when I was you have been a massive influence in our lives and helping us navigate the not so pretty world. I personally have been benefiting from you and the community you’ve worked so hard to create so much these last few months and I’m truly so grateful for you as a person and I know you’re just a human who’s trying the do your best everyday and you’re doing amazing! You always reassure me when I need it and I hope we can be as comforting to you as you are for us


Im sorry for your depression Miss Wendy. Thank for being so vulnerable and authentic. I am so proud of you and proud to support you. This audio resonates with me right when I needed to hear it. Thank you for reminding me to look for those small moments of beauty. Recently I've been going for walks with my camera, and I guess im quite literally looking for, capturing, and collecting these moments that you're describing. I'll be sure to share more photos in the server!


Looking forward to seeing the images you capture with your new camera. That is exciting. I have been enjoying watching your journey with Demeter's ghost. Thank you for sharing the flowers of your life with us.


*hug* Thank you foe sharing your thoughts and for still being here with us. Really does take more energy to process death than I ever remember. No dying darling.


I saw some of your images in the server. You have a great eye Mo. Thank you for being one of my mods and helping make our community a safe respite for so many.


Thank you being here with me and being a part of this community. Love reading that my words are helping you. *hug*


Depression is like a shadow. It's always with you, even when you can't see it, and sometimes it grows so big and dark and cold, you think you'll never be in the light and warm again, but the light/warmth always comes back eventually. Not forever but enough to thaw you. Wishing you warmth and light and happy pretty flowers often. My current happy thought is that pistachios look cool and explode if you light them on fire so I plan to (safely) explode various nuts this summer. For science and glee.