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🧸 The goal of this audio is to comfort.

🧸 Hopefully to help you feel at least slightly better.

🧸 No matter what you are going through,

Whether it be anxiety
A panic attack
Something distressing that may have happened

🧸 I put all the warm, loving, care into this one so you can wrap it around you like a blanket.

🧸 Whenever you need.

Written by u/qwiqwi27
Editing and Sound Design by Rush

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

Tags: [comfort] [kisses] [back rubs] [reassurance] [validation] [deep breaths]

What do you do when you are feeling down to help you feel better?



Nicky Shortstacks

Thank you for this, it feels like it came out at a perfect time. I did like the I spy element in this audio, helping your mind distract itself. This will definitely be one I come back to.


Thank you 🥺 Anxiety’s been peaking lately. Thank you for helping me stay grounded.


Warm cozy blanket. So soft. Thank you. What do I do to help? Depends. Sometimes I draw or colour a colouring page. Write. Journal. Go for a walk or do push-ups. Call a friend (or listen to a comfort audio if brain won’t let me call). Cuddles are good but if they aren’t available then butterfly hugs and warm blankets. A shower. Good food. Hot tea. Sometimes I dance until I mean it. Sing. Visit a river or waterfall. Climb a tree. Balance stuff on other stuff. So many things!