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You are sitting in the cockpit of the spaceship.

You put the ship into auto pilot and enjoy the ride.

The space cowgirl has been taking a shower. 

She is riffing on an old song.

Once she finishes she opens up the door, enters the cockpit and takes her seat next to you.

Written by Time Raft
Editing and Sound Design by Rush

Note: Image generated ethnically using Canva's database of images for which artist's are compensated. 

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Would you enjoy having a wingman?

🚀 Clairvoyant Space Cowgirl Rescues Her Enemy ~ Part 1




My only stipulation… I get to wear my sassy pink cowboy hat 💅🏻


I’m currently rewatching Cowboy Bebop and Trigun so more space western is 👌🏽. Great work as always Miss! 🤠