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Rough audio as I chat with one of my darling darling boys who was hurt by a scam.

I think this is important enough to share with all of you.



Added tidbit regarding hiring sex workers safely: know the laws in your area. In some places it's illegal all around(oof), in some it's legal to sell sex acts but not to solicit (silly!). Relevant here especially if it's illegal to solicit where you are, these scams can be extra spicy since reporting it is admitting to solicitation.


Thanks for the PSA, Miss. Unfortunately there are people who do this and enjoy taking advantage of people's vulnerability.


Good vibes to the fellow lost boy. It gets real out there.


*nods in immense disappointment and fury* Thanks for the heads up.


Thank you for caring Miss Wendy. I had an experience earlier this year, where I realized that a person I trusted romantically was just taking advantage of me. It was hard not blame myself for ignoring all the red flags. I've always been impressionable and naive because of my desire to be accepted. I like what you said Miss, to think of it as having a vulnerability. I think understanding it in the way that you described will be helpful for me going forward.

Shane Driscoll

I got scammed out of well over 500 for bdsm equipment and a new phone she was like “I waited all night for your replies and dropped my phone falling asleep, now you owe me a new one.” Me being the naive but nice guy I am said “fine” and my brother was holding onto my money cause I was 19 at the time and didn’t really understand how a bank worked fully and so he was thrown off by how much I said I needed out of my account. I managed to get her the phone and then she started wanting more and more from me. Steam cards, ps gift cards which I was like “ok. cool, she’s a gamer!” So I told my roomate and my brother about this “relationship” cause I thought I was comfortable with her and explained the situation and he was like “she’s using you to get shit from you, she’s toxic af and your not right to think it’s ok for people to take advantage of you like this homie.” So I blocked her on everything I thought but then she found me on this google version of messenger I forgot we talked in and threatened to send out naked pics of me I sent her if I didn’t give her money cause I’m a special breed of an idiot but luckily I wasn’t that self conscious about my body to give a fuck if she did or not. But yeah..egg on my face ig.

Shae Reub (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-23 07:48:54 A scammer recently tried using my credit cards. Since it was unauthorized and in a different area, my bank declined the attempts (no money lost). I'll be getting new cards Monday or Tuesday. Good news: I have 2 debit cards I can fall back on (I keep little to nothing in my checking accounts, and only transfer from savings when I need the money). Random side note update: I got some financial assistance so the remaining $66,600 of my debt is cleared).
2023-09-23 05:17:51 A hacker recently tried using my credit cards (I fell for the malware virus scam where I was "informed" of a virus so I'd be tricked into downloading actual malware). Since it was unauthorized and in a different area, my bank declined the attempts and froze my credit cards (no money lost). I'll be getting new cards Monday or Tuesday. Good news: I have 2 debit cards I can fall back on (I keep little to nothing in my checking accounts, and only transfer from savings when I need the money). Random side note update: I got some financial assistance so the remaining $66,600 of my medical debt is cleared).

A hacker recently tried using my credit cards (I fell for the malware virus scam where I was "informed" of a virus so I'd be tricked into downloading actual malware). Since it was unauthorized and in a different area, my bank declined the attempts and froze my credit cards (no money lost). I'll be getting new cards Monday or Tuesday. Good news: I have 2 debit cards I can fall back on (I keep little to nothing in my checking accounts, and only transfer from savings when I need the money). Random side note update: I got some financial assistance so the remaining $66,600 of my medical debt is cleared).


I can sympathize. I got scammed over Instagram, by someone who said they wanted a commission done. A fake check scam, that I'm ashamed to admit I fell for. They didn't take any money. They tried. I send their 'change' to a Paypal recipient, who soon after refunded it in full. I called them out, and blocked them. Then someone who claimed to be their wife claimed I stole money from them. I blocked them too. I notified my bank and got everything resolved.... eventually.


I think the shame is the bit that can hurt you the most. Careful you aren't victim blaming baby boy.


I've forgiven myself for it, but I've been wary of any messages ever since.