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Hello my darlings, 

How have you been? I'm having the old ups and downs.

Been pondering, as one does, about life and death and anything but taxes.

Wanna sit with me and listen?

I would love your thoughts and to know what you are thinking about all the rabbit holes my brain is exploring. 

Join me for a ramble and share a bit of you.

💋 Miss Wendy




that surprise ending in your Lens talking about your basement. HILARIOUS. xD and I guess I'm one of those insane ones who listened all the way to the end.


I wanted to be a dentist when I grew up, but came to the conclusion that because of my learning style that there was no way that I could've made it through higher education. I didn't have the grades to not have to take remedial courses and I definitely didn't have the patience or funds for it. I feel like a lot of my choices come from a lack of discipline and fear of failure and so I take the path of least resistance and just coast through life. Never daring to dream big or expect anything more than disappointment. One of my friends made a somewhat troubling but astute observation that my fear of trying new things comes from the fact that everytime I tell a story to them it is tied to some traumatic event. Which is kind of funny in a macabre sort of way. But I tend not to dream in the pursuit of protecting myself from further disappointment. But perhaps it could've turned out differently. That's my little ramble for what it's worth.


*hug* Maybe dream the little dreams cutie. Start with a non-threatening little one...then another...and onward. You can teach yourself that dreaming isn't death.