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CW Warning: SPOOKY alert! This one has horror elements/SFX.

🫨 You cringe as you hear footsteps down the hall.

🫨 Time for another one of your captor's "games."

🫨 You groan, unable to stop yourself from wondering what will happen next.

🫨 You lost track of how long you've been trapped here.

🫨 You never dared list all the ways the monster has hurt you.

👹 physically 👹

👹 mentally 👹

👹 emotionally 👹

🫨You barely even look up when the footsteps stop in front of your cage.

Written by Waterway the Wordsmith
Sound Design and Editing by Rush

👹  More Monster Under Your Bed Series 👹

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable
