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👽 Terran, are you sure that this is what you want to do first?

👽 We could do almost anything you could imagine. 

👽 Any pleasure, thrill, or taste you had back on Earth, you could have ten-fold! 

👽 You know that, right?

👽 And you still want this to be the first thing we do together?


👽 I don’t think I’ll ever understand you, Terran. 

👽 Not completely.

Written by SplashiestPig  
Editing and Sound Design by
Art by Sheeva

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These always remind me of the YZ Ceti b exoplanet. It’s only like 12 light years away from Earth… and they’ve recently received “signals” from it, indicating it’s own magnetic field? So maybe other life forms (aliens? 👽) aren’t toooo far fetched irl 😉 Nerd stuff.


Ahhh that’s a great movie. I’ll debate all day long that there ARE “aliens” out there already… anything considered living could very well be an “alien”. It’s expected that aliens look like 👽… but they could also be lil microscopic organisms, etc… or things that can’t communicate (The ocean is full of aliens LMAO). I mean, we can’t confirm there’s NOT anything out there because we don’t know 😉. So, I’d say definitely in our life times. BUTT that’s just how my science-brain works 🤣