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👽 Finally you decided to check out the AI Core that Xo Haas gifted you.

👽 Fascinating little toy... Isn't it?

👽 You can ask it ANYTHING!!

👽 Wonder if you are going to be a brat and ask somethings that might anger your owner?

Written by SplashiestPig  
Editing and Sound Design by
Art by Sheeva

👽 Missed Part of Otherwordly Obsession?

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable




Non-sentient AI needs an Alias. Siri and Alexa are already taken. Fun voice mod!

Shane Driscoll

I swear, I can hear chi wolf in this! 😮

Definitely not a Lobster

At this stage I'd probably be trying to train the bellhoppers into some kind of militia. I don't think it'd work, but making little uniforms out of leaves and sharpening sticks would atleast keep me distracted from my upcoming lobotomy.


Oh I like her! I hope the listener gives them a name!


Hmmmm…. The brat in me wants to suggest you cycle through the word ‘search’ or ‘aid’. Something like that. in many languages until you hit English. Like the scene in wall-e with ‘directive’. Time to flex your pronunciation skills.