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CW Warning: SPOOKY alert! This one has horror elements/SFX.

🫨 You wake up from another restless sleep.

🫨 You don't know if it's the monster's influence, but you find yourself chased by it even in your dreams.

🫨 You sit up, and are surprised to see that the door to your cage is open.

🫨 A big part of you is desperate to run, but you force yourself to remain calm.

🫨 You've come to recognize a trap when you see one.

🫨 You expect to hear your captor's voice any moment.

Written by Waterway the Wordsmith.
Sound Design and Editing by Rush

👹  More Monster Under Your Bed Series 👹

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable



cuddle_bun V(A)TUBER

Looking forward to listening to this later 😸


Love how you play this character Miss. Alluring and creepy, but i still feel safe because its your voice. Really cool sound effects too.


Oh my god, YES!! It's returned!!

Shane Driscoll

Noooooo, punish me instead 🥺 Lol something is so fun about you being scary. I love the excitement of it all and this was great plot twist writing and the horror elements actually kept me on my toes and turned on my fight or flight responses which is also kind of fun because I like being immersed with the story. Thanks miss Wendy, rush, and waterway for all of your talent put into this audio, you guys are the best!


Really is fun...a bit dark...but I know everyone here is all grown up so I get to be dark sometimes. Glad you enjoyed it.