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Sometimes things get...in here.

Thought I might give the older audios some love by offering them up to you.

Behold...APRIL of the distant past...enjoy cutie.


💋 I Love Your Cock ~ Appreciation Audio
Do you have doubts pet? About your cock?
Headphones...close your eyes...and be a good boy for me.

💋 Sir, THIS is a Library ~ You’re Going to Have to Fuck Me Quietly
Who doesn't enjoy a library? The smell of books. Yum.
I wonder how quiet you could be.


💋 Which Will We Choose ~ Live Recording with Blue
Some of you were there...when we created this one.
So fun...having you boys live in the chat while I played with Blue.

💋 Steps to Damnation ~ HFO Audio
Each step leading you further towards damnation?
You are only gambling with your soul...I wonder...what will YOU choose?


💋 Do You Want Me to Make You Eat It? ~ CEI
Some of you boys want to eat it...don't you.
Maybe you simply need some coaching.

💋 Say My Name ~ GoodBoy Training Audio
I love the idea of hearing you say my name.
Whimper it...beg with it. Oh, gods...yes, please.

💋 Cum Twice For Crazy ~ Oh my...Hope you are READY
Be ready...by fast...she be crazy. Crazy horny!
Enjoy being the focus of all that energy.

💋 Story Time  Good Morning
I recorded a short story for you this morning to listen to as we all deal with our new "normal." Something not too naughty but definitely not SFW.

💋 Story Time ~ Card Game
I bet you would love to play cards sometime...my way.
What do you think?


💋 Hysterical Reading ~ Celebration Audio
Need I say more?
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did...
