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Hello my lost boys and girls,

I may have had too much coffeeeee...WEEEEE!


I wanna pick your cute little mind for a couple minuets.

Cutie...come out and PLAY!!

Think you can share your brain pan with me?

💋 Signed Miss Wendy




I'm not good at eye contact however, whenever I get get compliments about my eyes, it makes me super happy. My eyes are a deep blue color and I just hope people notice them. :)

Seth JayArch

I like wearing cowboy boots as part of a casual outfit. With my blue jeans and denim jacket and while I don’t seek compliments I still get kinda giddy when someone compliments the boots


I really did not hear the chair squeak, unless that was the movement i was hearing. Just thought that was you leaning into the mic. Not sure this is what you mean, but here goes. If I wear a knit hat, long sleeve shirt pants and shoes, I feel like a 90s mechanic, I like that feeling. Or if I am wearing a baseball hat, I might turn it backwards if I am jamming out to my music, I feel cool and a little tough.


Some female coworkers called me a renaissance man a few years ago because of all the homemade candies and veggies I would take to work from the garden, and my sense of humor and musical interests. I like that description as I feel I am a throwback to a different time and place, and I wish people would take time to know that about me.


It was hard to come up with something but if I had to I'd say my hair. I've had a mohawk for around 12-13 years now. It's the only hairstyle I feel looks good on me and I hope when people see it it inspires them to do something fun with their hair.


It always gives me lots of warm fuzzies when I get complimented on my smile. Or when I get asked about my tattoos



Nameless one

The last time I got a haircut my barber told me that I had thick hair and that it will beautiful. So I thought I guess I hair cut and style is better than I thought i was.

Shane Driscoll

I’d have to say I like my personality traits more than my physical ones. I love that I can always make people laugh or that I’m smart enough to tell how someone is doing by looking at their face even if they’re hiding emotions really well. it makes it easier to talk to the people I meet. But physically I’d say my hair is something I work on even before my teeth tbh. Dunno why, I just like hair so I’m focused on mine as well lol.


Personally, I enjoy when I get compliments from someone that notices a progression in my body from the gym. Shoulders are a big one, just because I’ve tried so hard to fix my shoulder after a motorcycle accident. So it feels rewarding that the work is being seen. But outside physical, I really love being complimented on my academics/intellect. It gives me a sense of accomplishment after all the hard work that I’ve put in. It’s easy to get discouraged, so it’s so lovely to someone gives you a compliment. I hope you have a wonderful day as well (:


I’ve recently gained a new appreciation for my hair now that I’ve been taking better care of it. Also, my little passion project. It might be fan-fiction, sure, but it’s something I feel really good about, especially when I share it with friends and they end up liking what I’ve written.


Maybe this sounds really weird, but I look at the wrinkles developing on my face with absolute interest. I think they look good and they look like I've had a great life up to here. Love it.


thank you Lrse, I love that you can see this about yourself!

Gray .

I've got scars all up and down me, some worth it while others weren't, but I've always tried to hide them as best I could because I felt uncomfortable when people asked about them. I've come to appreciate them for what they are and while I still don't really show them off, if someone catches a glance at one and asks about it then I've got am icebreaker or an interesting story. Maybe it could be tossed in a more medieval setting or something?


I bought myself a leather jacket like 3 weeks ago and i wasnt sure about it if its my style, but i think it goes rly well with my cargo pants and i basically wear that combo everytime i can now

Nicky Shortstacks

This might be an odd one but, I would like it if somwone kind of noticed the the smoothness of your face, after shaving, the sort of "baby face" i've been called in the past. I'd enjoy being noticed for a nice smooth shave. And I guess with me personally, one compilent I get more than any other is how young I look. People often say I look younger than I am, secretly I enjoy that compliment a lot :)


how babygirl i look😇


This took me long while to think about because of how negative I tend to view my appearance, but i'm glad I sat here and thought about this. My favorite one from recent memory is that I have 'big kissable lips'. I also get compliments on my long eyelashes sometimes. Any compliment about my face honestly really flatters me. I appreciate this post, as a reminder to notice the good things about myself.


I’ve been told that the smell of my cologne was comforting which I really enjoyed


*shhh I know I'm grounded but I wanna heeeelp* With malls being a thing I always hope people see the smile in my eyes. I also make an effort to hold myself well in terms of posture and it feels good when someone notices. Primal hunter offering... Also we should collab sometime if that's a fun thing! *Runs away before caught with a screen*


Um, I would happily try to help but my brain doesn't go like that. Instead, my inner ramble goes like this, Hey there's crow friends, I should get more snacks for them... and me, Moss! The moss is extra lovely today, I should take a picture, what if I took a picture of the same moss patch every day for a year at the same time of day and then did a time lapse video, that would be so cool, I will never remember to take a picture every day, I can't even remember to take my meds every day, ooh squirrel! That squirrel was really cute, I should tell my friend about that squirrel, I wonder how they're doing? I should text them when I'm not walking, Ahhh car ! Jeez, I wish people would remember to use blinkers. I gotta pay more attention since they don't, ooh shiny rock! 😅 I usually have some mental music playing too and about 3 random words or phrases that pop up periodically. 🤷

Jared Chinchello

I personally just hope people see me and think that I don't look like a fat dingus. I just hope my excercise regimen is showing visible progress.


If you are seeing this later…feel free to add something to like about yourself that you’d enjoy someone noticing. I’ve recorded what I was looking for today, but I may be back.


I'm super shy and keep to myself, but I try my absolute best to be outward with people around me. It makes me really tired but it makes me so happy making others around me laugh. So I've decided to try my best at growing my social battery!


So if I’m at work I really don’t care what people notice but if I’m going out for basically anything else I hope that people notice the weight lost and slight toning I’ve done in the past year. Also eyes someone compliments my eyes and immediately I match shades of red with a lobster.


It's only something that has hairbrush a few times in my life but I remember then all fondly. It's whenever someone components my voice. It may be because I don't particularly like it but when other people say they do, it makes me feel wonderful


I will randomly think to myself "wow I really turned out nice somehow" even after all I've been through and now even work at a mental health crisis line.


sometimes my mind wander, and I wish the lady from the shop that I frequent will take me out on a date. :D


I really appreciate compliments on my sunny disposition from customers, especially when it’s a gloomy day. 😅