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Pull up a chair, or a couch or any place comfy. A favorite sun spot?

Just me and a microphone in the booth. Talking to you.


Sometimes I am selfish.

Editing and Sound Design by Rush

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable



Shane Driscoll

I’m known for my humor, strength of being able to lift a fridge, and my smol smooth brain that forgets where I put my wallet in my pocket

Shane Driscoll

Good to know you’re doing ok Miss Wendy. I enjoyed you sharing life for you right now (sorry about the loss and loss of content.). I don’t think anybody can do it better than you you’re honestly so cool to listen and talk to. And to the people who send threats to you, I wish I could John Wick em for you lol. *all the hugs* you’re epic and adorable Thanks again for sharing and trusting us with your life..so to speak 😁


I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your rambles, thank you for sharing Mistress. I felt like I got to know you a bit better. <3


and yes, I agree with the idea that life can be a bitch sometimes and it's up to ourselves to decide where to focus our energy on. it's often better and more productive to focus on the good.