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CW Warning: Slightly spooky ambiance.

👽 You find yourself waking up on what seems like an Alien planet.

👽 You have no idea what's going on but something about this doesn't feel right.

👽 You see a group of creatures eyeing you as what appears like an alien woman tries to explain what's going on.

👽 What do you do, Terran?

Written by SplashiestPig  
Editing and Sound Design by
Art by Sheeva

👽 Missed Part of Otherwordly Obsession?

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Those aliens don’t want this smoke.

Shane Driscoll

I hope I become a plaything for experimenting 🤤

Shane Driscoll

I’d listen for sure! monsters, aliens, and villains are all super fun


It's now time to try and terraform my new planet !


Maybe it's just me, but I find nothing redeemable about this extra-terrestrial or the situation they've put the listener in.


You mean I get my own bubble without other humans? Beam me up.


tl;dr Yes, I'd rather die in this listeners situation. Considering the only tech on this planetoid is the panel to call for help, you'd have a be a master level survivalist to last more than a few days (this is going by only what is in the audio, assuming nothing added). The listener is being dropped on this pre-stone age planetoid with nothing, not even a knife. I'd give any normal person a few days to a week tops before calling for help assuming they have enough strength to get to the control panel. This is merely a fraction of what I find wrong about this situation. I could honestly write a small paper about everything I dislike about the situation in this audio.