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🎙Soooo...close...once the mics are all set up I will start setting up the audio stuffs and get this fun train started!

🎙I have missed recording. 


🎙I have all those fun scripts you boys wrote for us.

🎙Thank you boys...for all the offers of your big strong muscles.

❤️ Miss Wendy




So happy you got it all sorted out Miss! Its amazing isint it? The life that happens all around us... I personally wouldnt be able to live somewhere far away from people. Sure sometimes times get difficult when interests from each party are different but mostly there are ways to work together. Humans are from nature "Herd Animals" thats why we do feel more comfortable with others around us. And i think those little "crossing paths" moments with the neighbours are just the right amount of interaction, even for someone introverted. Enjoy all the new things Miss. Life is a beautiful adventure!


so now you have reminded me of some things that have been around me the entire time and I closed them off for that past two years. Time to get back out...thank you Miss Wendy. A new adventure in the old neighborhood.


Well said. I really am enjoying this tiny ecosystem. As long as they leave you alone about your trumpet. 😉


Claim all those wonderful little moments Deep. They are yours for the experiencing. ❤️


Right? The audacity... welp. Time to try and work around stuff so everyone can be happy


This is why I love customer service. Outside of the negative Nancys, you really can make those connections with people. I met a professional violinist the other day! I also met a retired teacher from Ireland who beat cancer! All the stories and life experiences you would normally miss out on are suddenly in your face. Life seems richer even with the bad.


Another awesome update. So happy that your struggles are becoming your successes. The happiness in your voice is undeniably obvious. Change is always scary. It takes a leap of faith in yourself to see if you can fly... and you are SOARING!


floor gang ough!!!


Absolutely loved this little ramble Miss. Listened to it on my way home in the car and I just smiled the way through. Happiness can certainly be contagious 😊


While I like the calming audios and the more ... intense ones, it's these that make it real. These kinds of audios are refreshing and fun. Have fun with the new booth. I only wish I could have helped with the door *laughs*


Happy to hear that you have all those neighbors to help and that you're getting used to all the people. Definitely has it's quirks being in a people dense spot. Also the booth looks so slick, even for a Lego booth. Hope it's grade A material Miss Wendy, you deserve top of the line.


That looks so cool Miss Wendy, and im glad you didn't hurt yourself in the process! I pulled a muscle moving a few years ago 😅. Thanks for the update, its nice, hearing the excitement of adventure in your voice 🙂


Your optimism shines through. Love that you get to meet amazing people. They are EVERYWHERE. Amazing people hiding in plain sight.