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Here we are...starting a new year together...what a journey 2021 was...ready or not...here we go again. 

I am not really into setting new years resolutions...but I do like to envision where I will be this time next year. 

Things like, feeling braver with writing my own stories, making more time to lay in my hammock, and better with talking time off from technology. 

Do you image something shifting for you over the next 12 months for you? 

Some way to see the light in your life. 

A way to slow down and notice what is working and to create something that brings you joy.

With that in mind I will share a poem someone sent to me:

The Laughing Heart

your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.
Charles Bukowski 

You are MARVELOUS! Be on the watch for the light!!

Cheers my darlings, I sip my morning coffee to you, to traveling this life with good people, and to the new stories we all will create and share in 2022,

♥️Miss Wendy

PS...I would love to read about the light you find. That is a light in my life. 




Thank you Miss Wendy! 💕 I love you and the things you’ve done!


Thank you for sharing the poem 🙏 😊 I loved it 🥰😘


Thank you Miss Wendy for the poem. It was the perfect timing. Happy New Year 🥰


To answer the question, if I may... For me, there's a certain weight that I feel I've been carrying my whole life that I hope finally gets lifted. Being more confident and comfortable in my own skin. In this aspect I feel as if it's always been darkness, but recently it feels like a saw a little glimmer of light in the corner of my eye. It has me curious, and I'm going to try and follow it. It might be the hardest thing I've ever done, but hopefully I accomplished this, or make a tangible step towards it by next year. Welcome back Miss Wendy, and Happy New Year! We've missed you.

Darren Gorham

What a wonderful way to start the new year, and much needed as I'm currently recovering from illness. A happy new year to you Miss Wendy, and I hope that I may be able to see some light this year🥰

Shade Praxis

I've been hurt a lot by women and it's left me feeling scared, broken, and very self-conscious of every part of myself. I'm often depressed and feel so lonely and unwanted, even by friends and family. But your audios have been a light to me. You're often so kind and supportive in your audios. You make your listener feel safe, cared for, and cherished. You give such positive messages, when I often only hear negative ones. Your voice is so soothing and relaxing, not harsh or biting. To put it all in one word, I feel safe. I've needed that kind of security and when days are really dark, you spread light and warmth. I can't thank you enough for just doing what you do. I hope 2021 was good to you and that 2022 is even better! You deserve it. Thank you again. Enjoy that coffee btw ☕️


<p style="color: #008600;">Happy New year to you! All the best, health, joy! And please us with your awesome content in 2022!</p>


What do you mean by light? Something you look forward to? Or is it something as an unexpected event that makes you happy or safe or secure? I am be reading to much into that, but for me, it would have to be my bedroom. It is my sanuaury, it keeps the busyness of life outside its door. Weather I am readin, playing games, watching tv, or listening to stuff, it is there to keep me safe. I think that is about it. So I hope this finds you well, stay safe. Josh.


This is an amazing poem by Charles Bukowski! What a deep meaning it has! Thank you and Happy New Year!


The poem is great! There will be many changes this year. Some are only a bit visible now, some are unclear and in the dark, but there will be more and more clearness over the year. I will prove again, what I really need. I will try to eliminate to do all the things, I don't need. I will try to do more the things, I really want to do and that I enjoy. Thank you Miss Wendy for being you.