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😈 A follow up to: Melt's Curse...Listen at Your Own Risk ~ Erotic Hypnosis

🧪 Took me a few months...but I think I have done it.

🧪 All that is left to do is see if it works on my cursed boys.

🧪 No...no...there shouldn't be any negative side effects.

🧪 I mean...unless I put too much oompf....might turn you into a...

🧪 Let's not speak of that.

🧪 You be good...lay back...and be my test bunny.

Written by Miss Wendy
Inspired by The Curse written by Melt
Sound Design and Editing by Rush

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

Tags: Exclusive NSFW meditation minxy trigger-use wendy-original

(if you listen to this and would like to add all the fun tags to help others find things, leave me a comment my studious darling)




Wait are all those voices Wendy in the background 0///////0

Saxon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-28 13:09:21 You're terrific miss Wendy >///////<
2022-11-09 16:58:56 You're terrific miss Wendy >///////<

You're terrific miss Wendy >///////<