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All my pwoblems
who knows, maybe evwybody's pwoblems
is due to da fact, due to da awful twuth
I know. I know. All da dumb jokes:
No flies on you, ha ha,
and da ones about what do I do wit all
doze extwa legs in bed. Well, dat's funny yeah.
But you twy being
SPIDERMAN for a month or two. Go ahead.

You get doze cwazy calls fwom da
Gubbener askin you to twap some booglar who's
only twying to wip off color T.V. sets.
Now, what do I cawre about T.V. sets?
But I pull on da suit, da stinkin suit,
wit da sucker cups on da fingers,
and get my wopes and wittle bundle of
equipment and den I go flying like cwazy
acwoss da town fwom woof top to woof top.

Till der he is. Some poor dumb color T.V. slob
and I fall on him and we westle a widdle
until I get him all woped. So big deal.

You tink when you SPIDERMAN
der's sometin big going to happen to you.
Well, I tell you what. It don't happen dat way.
Nuttin happens. Gubbener calls, I go.
Bwing him to powice, Gubbener calls again,
like dat over and over.

I tink I twy sometin diffunt. I tink I twy
sometin excitin like wacing cawrs. Sometin to make
my heart beat at a difwent wate.
But den you just can't quit being sometin like
You SPIDERMAN for life. Fowever. I can't even
buin my suit. It won't buin. It's fwame wesistent.
So maybe dat's youwr pwoblem too, who knows.
Maybe dat's da whole pwoblem wif evwytin.
Nobody can buin der suits, dey all fwame wesistent.
Who knows?

Written by James W Hall
Editing by Miss Wendy




Thanks for posting this, something different. Certainly the older we get the more difficult it is to change careers. I think it would take an outside force to move me from my current job. It's safe. Boring, but safe. Sometimes I think that I really had no choice at all, as I just followed the path in front of me, the only one that I could see. Luckily it worked out for me. I do wonder what would have become of me had I not seen the path.


Also, I literally just finished watching a show on CuriosityStream called "Many Beautiful Things" in which a very talented female artist, Lilias Trotter in the 1800's turns down an opportunity to work with a very influential artist to follow a more important calling, to be a missionary in Algeria. She lived there for 40 years setting up ministries until she died. She kept diaries that included her stories, side by side with small water color paintings to go with them. They were so beautiful. I think she may have burned her suit.

Delta Ethos Studio

Sometimes, old routines and habits die hard... Thank you for this recitation, Ms. Wendy! 💙


With great power comes great responsibility. I think sometimes just living is a power, and it's our responsibility to not burn that suit. The thing going through my head was, "Get me pictures of that Spider Wendy"! Thank you Miss Wendy, for a silly something.