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Trigger Warning: DEATH

☠ A rather dramatic one.

☠ Would you hold my hand as I fade out.

☠ On to the next great adventure.

☠ Coxed toward a last breath by a voice...

Written by flipflapflapper1
Editing by Miss Wendy




Nice try death, but not today...


No breaking rule one. Not a terrible way to go. Reminds me of a passage, "It wasn’t too much, to take a frail figure into one’s arms for those last moments of life. Better than a cot, or even a bed in a room filled with loved ones. Better, too, than an empty street in the cold rain. To die in someone’s arms – could there be anything more forgiving?".


Potent. Painful. Poetic. Palliative promises. Poignantly painful, permeating, perplexing, petrifying, a pulchritudinous voice personifying Charon in its most merciful manifestation of a psychopomp.


Merely because thou art Titania, whom Oberon can only constantly seek to please.