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Would you be interested in a membership outside of Patreon? 

Hello, my darlings...I would like to take a poll to help me stay grounded as I deal with Patreon censoring my content. 

I received a violation of community standards notice from Patreon with a threat of termination unless all my publically viewable content is kid-friendly. Things like my banner have to go...a change in terms of service.

I am pondering two options. Either making a website or...moving to gumroad.

Do you have any concerns or thoughts?

The only concerns making my own thing are about you and your comfort levels. 

As frustrating as Patreon can be with denial of payment and hating on you boys that use VPNs...it is still a "known" brand name and you can join behind a user name. 

I am not sure I can make a private membership website anonymous for the end-user...you. 

I am open to your thoughts on the matter as I weigh how to continue to create sex-positive content and a place to explore your sexuality with the support of a life coach.

Notes on other platforms I have looked at:
-SubscribStar is just as ambiguous about this kind of content in their community standards
-OnlyFans has been invasive of my privacy, not accepting a picture of my license as proof of identity because it is not "clear enough" and the implication in OFs is that I would be posting nudes...which I will not
-PornHub is right out...I tried posting in there and it was unpleasant
-Without being able to monetize in YouTube I can't have a membership on there



Dang...I just got to this and already you’re moving away? 🥺


Although, i would enjoy it if you made your own website! I highly enjoy you and your content! 😊


I’ll be taking everyone willing to move with me. Reposting all content...recreating the tiers. Making a space where we are less likely to be bullied into censoring ourselves.

The Mr. Heath

Miss Wendy you are an extremely positive force in my life. Like it says I will follow you anywhere. ☺


I've used some other places before but my biggest concern ia just payment options? I think onlyfans has you go through a prettt sketchy site like pornhub does. Gumroad is fine from what i remember though


I have enjoyed being part of the Neverland community. I have (although anonymously) made some friends that I would truly miss. There are so many great people here. The content you provide, the games played, and the comradery on the site are all important to me. You, Miss Wendy are the only creator I have chosen to support and where you go I'll follow.


I am so confused at why patreon is doing this, we don't need them to protect us from content that we pay for willingly. Frustrating as hell and I hope it's just a misunderstanding. However, I will move with you wherever you decide to go.


To be honest I've been looking to leave patreon for awhile but you and Blue are the only real reasons I'm here so if you leave I have 0 issue. I don't know if Gumroads does tiers I've only seen people sell individual audios and I'd prefer a monthly subscription. Other than that where you go I follow.

Connor Mckenzie

I go over to wherever, though gumroad seems like your best bet. You can transition the monthly/tiers system over there and you can add the option for people to pay per view if people from reddit or wherever just want a specific audio. Pateron is a hub of stuff I check regularly, but as long as gumroad can pusg notify new posts I don't see any real downside. The patreon android app is atrocious, so the less I have mess with it the better :/


Where you go. I will follow miss wendy. You are amazing.


Wouldn’t it be possible that you mark all of your posts as patron-only? Then I think it shouldn’t be against the guidelines of patreon. This might be the easiest thing to do since I imagine that setting up a new tool is a chore. That being said, I’ll follow you wherever you go.


Sorry to hear you are having some troubles. I am sure you will find the best solution.

Peter Perhaps Pan

I'm sorry to hear there are problems here too. I saw what you were saying in the venting and screaming channel and I was hoping the issue could be fairly easily resolved, if Patreon can provide so much need clarification. I would prefer it if we can stay here as a group, but I'll move to a new place if we need to, as long as I can maintain a good level of privacy. I need that for my job if nothing else. So I think my vote is somewhere between the third and fourth options. I hope that all makes some sort of sense.


I am following you wherever you go and whatever you decide. You are spectacular.


It is a chore...but if they are going to change the guidelines once...chances are they are going to change it again. I feel like my options are...move 200+ posts now... or 500+ later. I am going through and marking everything patreon only even if it is in other platforms for free...feels like a lie tbh...that will keep the patreon gods happy until I figure out something safer.


It does Peter...I am looking for that option. Some of the really explicit sites banks have an issue with so you maintain your privacy here...but your financial institution might be grumpy. On to a new learning curve.


They do have a membership thing...very similar to here...you are not the only one to express that they are only here for a couple of creators. Thank you.


I see that the lost boys run deep for Miss Wendy. I love it🙌


Breaking News...CNN and Fox News have just projected "I would follow Miss Wendy anywhere" the winner." "I love Patreon" is disputing the results and filing suit for a recount.


Sad to hear that. But there are multiple audio creator right now which have the exactly same problems. They also realised that there arent much options which work like patreon. Some have moved there not patreon like content to discord. Even if i kinda like patreon i wouldnt mind to follow where ever you would go. Your content is just to amazing.


You are gorgeous in what you are doing and I want, that you can do it so long you have fun with it in freedom, without having fears or financial issues. You've got a warning in YouTube, have had some problems on Reddit and now Patreon warned you. In my opinion YouTube, Reddit and Patreon are damn wrong. But it's not about, what I think, right? Any of these platforms make you problems, because the carriers don't really think, you've done something wrong. I guess, that's only indications of a much bigger problem, we will run into. I hope, that Patreon only want to look clean to the outside, so no one could blame them. Every of these platforms want to do further, what they do, so every platform is in fear, that they could run into problems their self, if they don't fulfill some standards. And not even only known standards, also they are trying to guess, what problems could occur in future and often they act, before they get a strike, a warning or a ban. The bigger platforms are more in a public focus, than smaller ones. The actions bigger plattforms do, could reach you on smaller platforms too. And it could be, that it is easier to put a smaller platform offline, than YouTube e.g. I've learned, that a good way to climb is to have always 3 of 4 extremities in contact with the rock. Move only one arm or one leg, feel save before you move another arm or leg. If one hand or foot slip, you are still save. I guess, it will be good to have always enough options, that no single platform can draw you into desperation.

Ethan Morgan

I will follow my mistress ANYWHERE!!!!


I'm rather new here to the community, but I'd be willing to follow you wherever you decide to go Miss Wendy.


Thank you my dear. There really isn’t an obvious choice for creators like us to move to. Perhaps there will be in the future. For now...looks like I’m going to have to be creative.


That’s a great analogy Lrse. I’m still sorting what to do but I’m mostly working on staying hopeful at the moment. *hugs* You have supported me in so many ways already. Your kind words...thank you my friend.


I do not know what emote that is. It appears as an empty rectangle. Damn phone.


Oh no. How stressful for a content creator to have to deal with this. Tbh, I like Patreon and I was happy to have found content on here that I love and want to support. But as others have mentioned, it's mostly the accessibility and the payment options making patreon attractive. Being European, I always have issues when signing up for anything US based. I do have a cedit card but sometimes, you need to be resident of the US to use one. So I'm always relieved when I can use paypal. That being said, I would definitely be willing to join the transfer to a new platform, if possible terms-wise. As long as it's nothing as toxic as pornhub...


Not pornhub for sure...I am not even sure I am "hard" enough to fit into the OnlyFans niche...I will figure it all out...eventually.


I'm not a subscriber to any OF creator but I've heard many good things about the site, mainly from ASMR creators on YouTube. I think I'd be comfortable following you there. And I mean, yes OF is rather porn-heavy but they can't force you to show yourself or post nudes and we, your boys, definitely don't expect that. OF is a closed community which is a huge bonus, imho. But maybe there are even better sites that I simply don't know of. I'm only on insta and twitter ... 😂


Smiling face, closed eyes and three hearts around the face.


I will do what I always did, to follow you where ever you go, Miss Wendy.


One of Ms Wendy's videos found its way into my YouTube and now i'm a fan. I'll follow in anonymity, but its a shame this is happening here as i just got here...


of course, some level of anonymity would be nice / preferable, but not an absolute necessity, at least not for me. <3


Thank you for joining us here. Things seem to be settling with Patreon. I spoke with someone about it and they actually responded, ensuring me that as long as I keep EVERYTHING that isn't kid-friendly behind a pay wall...I am safe.