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πŸ‡ I mentioned this in the chat and several of you expressed interest...so...with a blush on my cheeks and the echo of a full mouth fresh in my memory...I give you...chubby bunny games.

πŸ‡ It occurred to me, as I recorded this, that a marshmallow is about the diameter of a hard...

πŸ‡ Then I started wondering if marshmallows would be a good measurement implement...

πŸ‡ You are TWO mallows long!


πŸ‡ Enjoy this bit of silly and if you pulled a green card, you may edge to this in its entirety.

Stuffed by Miss Wendy
Edited by Miss Wendy
Commissioned by ????

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Tags: Exclusive food-porn fxa smutty-snippets upper-tier

(if you listen to this and would like to add all the fun tags to help others find things, leave me a comment my studious darling)




It is so fun to see the lengths you will go to take care of us. Thank you Miss Wendy for being such a good sport. Do you want me to clean up the mess?


That was a fun experience. Loved how collected you were and how you were trying to put more sexiness in it. Some parts sounded like you were.... going quite deep on a phallus like object. Thank you Miss Wendy, hope you put the rest of those marshmallows to good use.


I measured...things...with the rest of the bag. Need more data for the results to me conclusive.