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We did this in Patreon to celebrate 10, 000 subscribers in YouTube last month and it was fun! Let's be a little silly or perhaps a bit naughty again...shall we my darlings?

Post below anything below you would like to hear you would like to hear by the 25th and I will in all likely hood be ridiculous and say it in whatever way pleases me.

I will post the resulting silliness as an exclusive for your listening pleasure soon.

Oh my...already past 15,000 lost boys and it isn't even Halloween yet.

Also...THAT PICTURE...so random. A pussy and a cock meet over a toy...what ever will happen next? Made me lol in my booth. Too fun. 




Whose a good boy? Dont look around like you dont know who is. Its *you*. You're a good boy.

Mika Koverola

โ€œI urge you all today, especially today during these times of chaos and war, to love yourself without reservations and to love each other without restraint. Unless you're into leather.โ€ โ€• Margaret Cho




Iโ€™m tough, ambitious and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, Okay.


Boah, hard to decide so many options. Here is one: ------- Foolish Tootles was standing likke a conqueror over Wendy's body when the other boys sprang, armed, from their trees. 'You are too late,' he cried proudly, 'I have shot the Wendy. Peter will be so pleased with me.'


Let them eat cake.

Blackstone Morgan

i just wanna say that my suggestion was not supposed to have been "political" it was a randomly chosen and short part of the constitution, because i thought random legal thing would be funny in the middle of tongue twisters and other stuff.


There once was a kinky lady from Crewe Who adored submissive men and told them what to do They did what they were told without question "Lick this, lick that, my good pet, until I say I'm done" "I see your cock is as bright as a plum" "Now I will keep licking you until you want to cum" "But you must hold your load until you are told" "Or Miss Wendy will serve 50 whacks on your bum!"


~Naughty Pam~ There once was a woman named Pam Who entertained men with her cam She'd pose in her undies On Thursdays and Sundays And used up her excess of RAM.


"She loved to spend rainy afternoons lost in thought, her hand daydreaming beneath the fabric of her floral panties." โ€• "Dirty Pretty Things" by Michael Faudet

Blackstone Morgan

Texas Penal Code Sec. 43.23. OBSCENITY. (a) A person commits an offense if ... (f) possesses six or more obscene devices ... including a dildo or artificial vagina, designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs (yes this is a real law, the actual text has been reorganized for clarity in the reading, but is otherwise unaltered. Its no longer in effect, but because of how the TX constitution works, its never taken off the books, only amended)


I ran across this and simply thought of this audio. Even if you don't read it I hope it brings a smile to your face.


โ€œEroticaโ€ by S.T.P. I made love to her on paper and spilled ink like passion across the sheets. I caressed her curves in every love letter. I kissed up and down her thighs in short sentences and prose. I tasted all her innocence, without a spoken word. I bit her lip and pulled her hair, in between the lines. I made her arch her back and scream, it only took a pen.

Harry McAlister

I would want to hear that Iโ€™m owned and will never ever be free again


Something for Halloween: I be the witch of the wood! I am that very witch. When I sleep my spirit slips away from my body and dances naked with The Devil. Thatโ€™s how I signed his book.


You made clear, that it was not a poltical statement, but I interpreted it immediately in a politcal way too. I just was total unsure, what you want to express with this statement. And I didn't want to ask, in fear, I could dislike your answer. It's a good rule not to talk about politics. We are not here because of political reasons and so I'm pretty sure, we boys and girls have a lot of differences. There is no need to find it out and to argue against each other. If someone talk absolute bullshit in my eyes (no you didn't), I can't stay still. If I stay quiet, it would look as I would agree. Your text proposal this time is pretty awesome! Looking forward to hear it from her mouth.


Yes, please!! I don't know whether or not I deserve such a visit but I'd gladly let you in! ๐Ÿ˜

Harry McAlister

3 times fast Iโ€™m the son of a fig plucker, who plucks figs until the big fig plucker comes.

Harry McAlister

If youโ€™d this fast and little drunk it comes out really quickly as pig f@@ker


I am a golden god!

Peter Perhaps Pan

Something appropriate for the time of year I thought ....... Remember, remember the fifth of November, Gunpowder treason and plot, We see no reason, Why Gunpowder treason, Should ever be forgot!


"I have created wounded art. An uncompromising weapon that, in a fit of graceful agony, will rend and tear until there is nothing left. This creature is death." [beat] "I call him Fluffles." โ€” Unnamed Guard, Goblins


"This is Mork signing out, Nanu Nanu"


"I am become Wendy, Teaser of Lost Boys"

Mr Twincam

Miss Wendy, Iโ€™ve just seen this and I fear Iโ€™m to late ๐Ÿ˜ž. If by some chance I am not. Please I only have one word. โ€œMumโ€ a lost boyโ€ฆ