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🦴 A campfire story for my darlings as we march toward Halloween.

🦴 Something extra for my patron this month as I love October so very much.

🦴 Curl up with me and listen to a spooky story in the dark...if you are feeling brave.

Amazing short written by Neil Gaiman
Edited by RushReads

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

👹 Search Spooktober for most content that may not be best for listening to in the dark.




Even more disturbing...the number of comments I missed...lol. Thank you for listening and enjoying the silly with me.

Peter Perhaps Pan

I think I'm probably safe from click clacks, I spotted this one in time. Being used to listening for tick tocks helped I expect


I had to listen to it a second time because I wasn't paying attention. 😱 Keep the spooky stories coming!


I am looking for one for this week...it is so hard to decide. Glad you are enjoying this bit of creepy with me.

Peter Perhaps Pan

'My little warrior' Tink's rolling on the floor laughing, not entirely dignified behaviour for a fairy, but I like it. all that sword play practice in the submission series has paid off 🤺


I heard a story kinda similar to this, so the ending didn't get me like the others. Although half way through, the wind slammed a door in my apartment so that may or may not have caused....a slight discharge of noise and substance. Thank you Miss Wendy for another spooky story, keep up the spirit.


I now remember why I avoid creepy stories. I am in contention for the biggest scaredy cat on the planet and even this spooked me. 😅 Thank you for the story Miss Wendy, maybe next time I won't be as big of a wuss.


Snuggles make everything better so it would definitely help. Especially since they make me feel so very safe.


Most definitely. Although it does bring the cool in so I can forgive it.

Shane Driscoll

This was disturbing. I was wondering what what going to happen after she heard the click clack and I’m just waiting for something to happen but just silence and that is the most disturbing thing to me. being left alone just to think about what the clicking and the clacking was great audio! didn’t need creepy sfx or music and to that I give you all the props!