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⚫️ Maybe you have someone in your past.

⚫️ Maybe someone you need to hear from.

⚫️ To hear them tell the void of their regrets they have from their time with you.

Written by PERVYDAN
Edited by Miss Wendy

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Tags: SFW confessions fxa immersive l-bombs sweet

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Xander Lovecraft

I feel these words SO HARD right now. I started a relationship late last year, and right as things were getting serious, 2020 did everything it could to destroy me mentally. I shut myself in, and instead of reaching out to this person, my mind raced over the million and one things that were beginning to happen. Now, they want nothing to do with me. So hearing this today was so absolutely necessary. It fucked me up, but I needed to hear this more than anything. Thank you for posting this ❤️


Nice audio Really nice


Miss Wendy hits us in the feels!!! I do have people that I wish I could talk to now to either find out what went wrong in our relationship, or to tell them I am sorry that I was too immature to handle a real relationship. I think that timing is the enemy. We are not always prepared for what is thrown our way and we don't handle it well enough. Looking back later, we call them regrets. But in that moment, we did the best we could. When we get older and wise, we would handle the same situation differently. It's tough to live with regrets, but it seems to be an inevitable part of life and learning.


That audio made me cry hard in the past. It's so intense. Intensity is a value for itself. It didn't make me lucky but it helps me to went through sadness therefor. I love it. I'm pretty sure, I listen to it the last time at April 5th.

David C

Very powerful audio dearest Miss Wendy. Words can't describe how beautiful this is and how badly I wish that I could heal your heart.


You are welcome...we all learn...next time you are in a relationship (and there will be a next time) you will know how to do it differently.


I think that mindset, "I did the best I did with the tools I had" is really important. Allows us to take a lesson away from those stumbles. To look forward to the next time and to have hope *hugs*


Yes, learning lessons and having hope is what it boils down to.

Harry McAlister

Christ I ama masochist of the highest level. But 40 years ago I had a wife I was too young and stupid to see her. Ran into her not long ago and had this very discussion. She laughed and walked away. Hurt worse than any beating or humiliation ive experienced.


*smh* I made a bike tour today and in the middle, I thought: "Damn, she released 'Into the void' again, not 'blank'." I mixed up those two audios in my head. But fun fact: Everything I wrote, thinking of "Blank", fits for into "Into the void", too. Even the date, if I remember correctly.