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😈 Sometimes it is fun to sit in the dark and feel.

😈 Feel your goose bumps.

😈 Feel the dark the way you did as a kid.

😈 To simply be and let the monsters scare away your anxiety.

😈 Pop in some headphones and enjoy a bit of a creepy bedtime story.

Posted by blue_title
Editing by Miss Wendy

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Special thanks for Ghost Processional (Alternate) by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100219Artist: http://incompetech.com/




The one reason why I don't walk unless the sun is coming up, even in my small rural area. My friend on the other hand...she has no fear. Walked the streets of Mexico City, by herself, at night. It's not the monsters that get ya, but the people hiding monsters. Another scary story before a nap, thank you Miss Wendy.


That one made my hairs stand on end! It reminded me of a nightmare I had when I was about 7 that I have never forgotten. Thanks for sharing and keeping this story alive. Alive. ALIVE!!! 🀑😨


Bit of a creepy story? This is nightmare fuel for me and my dumbass listens just before going to sleep. πŸ˜‚ I’ve had a few dodgy encounters before at night and now I’m scared to go out at night without my pupper. Well written story though and you certainly done it justice Miss Wendy.


That is a good creepy one, Thank you Miss Wendy. I enjoyed the SFX.