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Do you want to please me?

You do...I can tell...

Such a good lost boy you.

📜Your instructions pet:     

  • Be naked     
  • Have your marker ready     
  • Something to kneel on     
  • Be ready to cum fast...
  • You want to please me right?

Written by my amazing writer, creative genius, and friend...Throughst

Submission Training Master List 




Epic run indeed Miss Wendy. You and Throughst done amazing work with this series. I very much enjoyed getting to feel like I was yours, you never left me feeling anything less than safe, relaxed, comfortable, excited and just all the good feelings in the world. Thank you very much for letting me be seen Miss Wendy. ❤️


I see you baby boy...simply because you invite me to. It’s a privilege. Thank you for sticking with the entire training. It is rather epic. A test in its length alone. What a fun ride it’s been.


I usually see myself as a giver, and if I'm being honest, I think it's because I'm not worth the attention. Also I love hearing moans that I make. Sorry if that got a bit deep, but you asked for honesty. And to keep going with that honesty, I had to back up the countdown in order to hit the mark. It gets a bit difficult to finish while kneeling. Hope that doesn't make me a naughty boy, cause I thought I was a good boy and went that route. I will take a punishment if you think different. I chose clips and a bit of slapping for my choices for the reward if you were wondering. Thank you Miss Wendy for opening some doors for me and for being understanding and great. Can't wait for a continuation of the training, interesting to see what you'll teach next. Also hugs, can't forget those.


You are a giver pet. Very much so. Some day that will not be connected to a feeling of unworthiness.