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📜Your instructions pet:

  • Be comfortable
  • Naked
  • Ready to focus
  • Six-sided dice
  • Time for me

Written by Throughst

Submission Training Master List 




I loved the premise of this audio, using a metronome to define stroking speeds. I'm also lucky in that I managed to roll high so apart from the fact that it might be a struggle to fit in the required number of listens I will get to undergo a lot of conditioning. I'm sure by the final time I listen to the audio I'll probably find it fairly frustrating ending up with blue balls but that's part of the joy of submiting to you. Thank you for teachings Miss Wendy.


Thank you Miss Wendy for showing how you want us to stroke. My medium is just a bit faster than what you want, so it shouldn't be too hard to shift it. Unluckily(?) I got a 3, so I better study well since I don't have as many opportunities to get it down. I guess it's going to be another sleepless night with a different part of my body wanting to study more.

Ryan Howard

So I started this audio and got just into the start of the medium pace and knew if I stroked anymore I would cum. So I stopped and just finished listening, and well I’m not sure how I will complete this once I can’t even imagine the other 6 times the dice told me I need too.

Cory S.

When I listened in the morning I rolled a 1. Can’t tell if I was lucky or not. Decided to do my additional listen at the end of the day so that Miss Wendy’s voice would be the last thing I hear before I fall asleep. I may need to do some extracurricular conditioning tomorrow.


Miss Wendy‘s voice is so dominant ,seductive,which is perfect for a role about wicked dangerous woman like black widow. hope my mistress can have a try


How are the studies darling? Are you being a good student? Hmmmm? All three times...getting that medium pace really ingrained in your hand.


What color did they end up being? After that lucky role...I am betting you are such a gifted boy at knowing what speed I want you to touch yourself. Yummy. I like that image.


If you fumble today...listen once tomorrow and then be chaste the rest of the day. You will succeed pet. Focus. You only disappoint me if you are intentionally disobey.


Oh thank you Miss Wendy. I will have to repeat that a very high number of times today. Although I am not sure how I will make it through any one of these, yikes. You had me ready during medium and leaking at the end, I did have to stop. Trying to be obedient but this one very difficult for me. I just listened to the instructions again. part of it was "a stroke is your hand going up OR down your cock once." I actually went up AND down for each beat so I was going double time. That's hilarious, no wonder I wasn't going to make it through. Guess I need to learn to listen better. I will let you know how the remaining six go.


Haha, I will be the one shredded after 6 more. 🎺


Thank you again Miss Wendy. Your are so playful this afternoon.


Well, I landed a four. Thank you Miss Wendy for giving me this task. I promise I will not disappoint you.


Thank you, miss Wendy


Thank you Miss Wendy. I rolled a 5. And its a work day...


In the “spirit of the exercise” my two roll is complete. Thank you, miss Wendy.

Morgan Myles

Does it make me a bad boy if I re-rolled several times... cause I wanted to roll a higher number?


Wow, loved this audio. Something about the tone and word choice made this feel very authentic. And the idea of being conditioined in this way was very hot. Thank you Miss Wendy!