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A few of my were able to join us last time we recorded. 

A bunch of you asked to be told if/when we decided to do another live recording. 

We are doing it again!!

But we are limiting the audience to 52 lucky boys...we will be playing cards and...I am telling you first. 

If you are not one of the first 52 boys to donate...I will send you a link to the live recording after we are all finished.


When: Saturday May 9th at Noon Pacific Time (1200)

Where: Private Discord Server - invitation only  

What YOU need to do if you want to play live: Donate to a good cause and send me proof in a message in Patreon

We are going to sponsor the same charity: Direct Relief's COVID-19 relief efforts



Hmm, I'm happy to see another live recording. I hope theres a spot left on Monday because I won't be able to make a donation until then. Either way thank you for continuing to help a good cause.


I'm an essential employee and I will be at work during the Live Recording. If Miss Wendy is ok with it I'll donate to a charity on your behalf SirTurbo so you can get a spot. You just pick the charity and let me know.


I appreciate the offer friend, I really do but I wouldn't feel right myself doing that. I'll be donating on Monday and if that means I miss the recording then it is what it is. Thanks for offering though and stay safe friend.


Awww...my heart is all warm and fuzzy Kynid. What a sweet offer. You are both such good boys. I canโ€™t even. Iโ€™m smiling from ear to ear reading this. ๐Ÿ’‹